Ideas I'm too lazy to write

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1. Dawn dressed up as an angel for Halloween and Paul as a demon and SIN HAPPENS (I was gonna write this but eh I have to work on ITPCHFB this week)

2. Hilda and N getting into a fight and they both just end up hugging and apologizing because they're dorks

3. Silver searching for the perfect birthday present for Lyra

4. Hau and Moon being movie buddies

5. Gladion and Lillie fighting over stupid sibling stuff

6. Gladion remembering the times when his father was around and telling his friends about it

7. Moon figuring out Mohn is the Aether kids dad

8. Hugh realizing that he has feelings for Rosa (I like to imagine he liked her waaay before she catches feelings for him)

9. Bianca bugging Cheren at work

10. Misty, Gary, and Ash fighting over the two wii controllers


Y'all are welcome to write about these I don't know if I ever will

I might do 6 and 10 tho


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