Smol or tol

124 12 4

Ooo a writing lmao


"Buff!" A small pink Pokémon cried, gratefully accepting the Pokémon food Moon gave it.

Moon happily hummed the song "Best friends brother" as she fed the group of Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, and Wigglytuff. Moon promised Gladion she'd lend him a hand today, and she decided she would be best off feeding the cute fairy types instead of the rock types. Never again would she feed those Lycanroc.

The fairy types sat in the grass, blissfully eating their food and enjoying their day and company.

"My best friends brother is the one for me~" She sang quietly, handing a bowl of Pokémon food to a Wigglytuff.

"A punk rock drummer and he's six foot three~" She sang, patting an Igglybuff's head. The baby Pokémon repeated her melody.

Moon hummed a few lines, not knowing the words. She only knew most of the chorus.

"My best friends brother, my best friends brother~" Moon sang, along with some of the Igglybuff.

Moon suddenly heard a chuckle from behind her. She froze in place and made a quiet prayer, "Please Arceus don't let that be who I think it is..." she whispered.

Moon turned around to see the boy she didn't want to see, behind her. He was leaning against a nearby tree, hiding in its shadow. The boy was smirking, arms crossed.

"You're right" he snickered, "It is cute watching people sing with the Igglybuff"

Color swiftly rose to Moon's entire face, including her ears.

"G-Gladion!" Moon shrieked, "H-How long have you been there?!"

Gladion shrugged, "Long enough

"Oh and I have a completely off topic question for you" The blonde said, walking out of the shadows, towards Moon.

Moon's face got warmer by the second, "W-What is it?" She stuttered.

Gladion laughed, "Chill- it's about Lillie"

Moon sighed in relief, "Okay, ask away"

Gladion smirked, "She's your best friend, right?" He asked.

"Of course!" Moon answered immediately.

Gladion nodded, "Okay. Good to know" He said, turning and strolling away.

"I'll call a boat for you once you're done! Just meet me by the elevator!" Gladion called as he walked away.

As soon as he was out of sight, Moon stood puzzled for awhile.

"Why would he ask about Lillie?" She wondered aloud.

The answer clicked as Moon realized what song she had been singing.

Her entire face became hot, "CAUSE HE'S MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER!"


That's all I've got for now *dabs*

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