Random thoughts

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1. I like to think that if their genders were swapped, N would still be taller than Hilda

2. N definitely is the type of person who needs cuddles 24/7 but Hilda would rather not cuddle 24/7 more like 1/5

3. Whenever Moon shows Gladion affection in public he's like "Nooo stop" and is a tsundere, but when they're alone he initiates lots of cuddles and kisses as is just happy to be around Moon

4. Silver gets really flustered when Lyra does something as simple as hold his hand

5. This one is slightly sinful but Red and Blue constantly fight over who's on top and Blue never wins

6. After years of not seeing each other, Mohn and Lusamine see each other again, but Mohn can't remember her or his kids. But Mohn steps up and gets to know his kids and Lusamine all over again. Eventually Mohn and Lusamine fall in love all over again even though they're completely different people now

7. Paul is an overprotective dad like, "No you can't hold my child" and Dawn is like, "Paul I just gave birth to this child" "...So?"

8. Ash and Misty live together but neither knows how to cook so they order out every night

Idk just some thoughts

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