Chapter 9

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School had gone on for a couple of weeks now and your were starting to get use to it. You would walk to school, go to your classes, sometimes stay for Basketball practice, and then walked home with Reiner and Bertholdt.

It was now a Saturday. You were laying in your room with nothing to do. You sighed in exasperation and then heard the doorbell ring.

Your parents weren't home so you went down and answered. There stood Bertholdt. You smiled.

"Hi! What's up Bert?" You asked.

"I'm meeting up with Reiner, Annie, Ymir, and Christa at the arcade and I was wondering if you would like to join us," Bertholdt asked as he sweated nervously. You found it cute.

"Sure. I've got nothing else to do since my parents mysteriously disappeared," you said and then walked outside and closed the door behind you.

"A-alright. Let's go," Bertholdt said and you guys headed into town.

You soon arrived at the arcade and you spotted your friends. You smiled and then walked over to them and hugged Annie. You guys were basically besties.

"I'm ready to beat you at any game (y/n)," Reiner said.

"Alright. Try and beat me at Dance Dance revolution," you declared.

"You're on!" Reiner said and then two of you took off.

You got onto the small stage where you were suppose to dance. You both picked the song.

(The song above I guess. XD)

You both began to dance to the speedy and difficult song. You couldn't help but song along as you kicked Reiner's butt at the game. Everyone stared in awe.

It soon ended and Reiner stood there exhausted. You chuckled and then posed. "I have won!"

"I have nothing but respect for you now," Ymir said and everyone laughed.

"Great job (y/n)," Annie said.

You nodded and smiled. "Thanks!"

"Hey. Wanna play the jurassic park shooting game with me," Bertholdt asked.

"Sure," you replied and then you both took off to go play.

Annie POV:

I watched Bertholdt go off with (y/n). This caused me to smile.

"Why won't they admit their feelings for each other," Reiner complained.

"Yeah. They're really cute together," Christa said and giggled.

"Well I guess if you like an extremely tall giant with a short stack girl," Ymir said and chuckled.

"Hey. None of us can control our heights here. And I don't think Bertholdt cares about the height different either. I agree they are cute together," I said.

"We need a plan!" Reiner declared.

"No. Let it happen in it's own time," I stated.

Your friends are plotting and great job at beating Reiner. Now what will happen next, we'll never know....until tomorrow. XD

I'm Here For You (Bertholdt X Reader) (Highschool Au)Where stories live. Discover now