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For future reference:

-0- with italics in between are dreams/ visions/ flashbacks

Bold and italics are songs that I DON'T own

Bold ,italics and underline are the songs I DO own and wrote

" with italics in between are either thought, unidentifiable voices, or robots/phones(ex. Chopper, TV, Siri)

italics is an exaggerated word (Ex; She really wanted to say something)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my OCs, ideas, songs, etc. I don't own Star Wars or Star Wars Rebels or any of that.

It had been weeks since Empire day and the Ghost crew wasn't having too much luck. Rae had gotten a better and recovered from her wounds, but she still had some small problems with movements. The others were fairly down and Kanan never even mentioned Athena's name once since she'd disappeared. When Ezra tried to confront him about it, he was shut out by his Master as he obviously had taken the burden of blame upon himself. Rae and Ezra were the ones taking the largest burden of self-blame as they both felt it was there own faults. Ahsoka even seemed to be blaming herself for the capture of her Padawan as she felt she should have gone with them.

One day Ezra had been walking by his Master's cabin when he felt something within the Force that made him stop in his tracks. He stooped and looked at his Master's door, wondering if he should enter. After a few moments, the door opened on its own and there stood Kanan.

"Oh, Kanan, I was just coming to check on you," Ezra said.

"What's up?" Kanan asked.

"That's what I was going to ask you," admitted Ezra. "I sensed something was wrong with you."

Kanan letting out a deep sigh, Kanan stated, "I'm fine."

"Kanan, I wanted to talk to you about Athena."

Kanan's teal eyes looked at his Padawan with a sense of hidden hurt and regret. Kanan asked, "What about it?" talking as if his little sister was already dead and that she was only an event; not a person.

Ezra inhaled deeply through his nose, he admitted, "I...think...I was the reason Athena's gone."

"Why would you say that? You didn't do anything," Kanan asked.

"Well..." Ezra wasn't sure how to explain. "On Empire day, I saw her while she was waiting for the signal in the crowd. We were talking for a while and a bounty for her came up again as these Stormtroopers were heading our way and we couldn't hide. I..." Ezra faltered on words.

"Ezra? What's wrong?" Kanan asked, seeming worried for Ezra.

"I kissed her so her face couldn't be seen and she ran off after she smacked me in the face," Ezra quickly said.

Kanan stood in his doorway with almost a confused expression on his face. As the words sank in, Kanan asked, "And that's when she dropped her com?"

Ezra agreed.

Kanan sighed, "Ezra, it's not your fault. You did the right thing;she just ran off. You can't blame yourself for what happened. You can't hold onto the past or you'll never become a Jedi."

"But, isn't that what you're doing?" Ezra pointed out.

"I never said I was a perfect Jedi," commented Kanan. Kanan placed a hand on his Padawan's shoulder. "I'm proud of you for saying something. It's not easy to admit things like that."

"Thanks, Master."

Athena sat on the cold and hard cement as her stomach ached and growled like a bear. She had been kept in this Lothalian jail for the last few weeks as they had put the charge of stealing onto her for the guns she had uncovered. She had luckily had not been recognized as one of the most wanted people in the galaxy; even being able to keep everything that was on her the day of Empire day. She kept her lightsaber hidden; often taking it apart and storing them in different places in her clothes.

Athena was waiting for the right time to use her lightsaber to break out, but that would mean more Imperial would come that she couldn't handle. If that happened, she'd be executed.

"Hey, death doesn't sound too bad right now, does it?" Athena quietly thought.

She quickly shook that thought out of her head as she remembered that she wanted to see the rebels before she died.

"And, you have to restore balance to the Force," reminded Father.

"Oh, shut up, Father. You're the whole reason why I'm here," Athena silently remarked under her breath.

"Do not let your anger well up inside you, young one," Daughter reminded.

"No, you must learn to control you anger. Use your hate!" Son told.

"Shut up!" Athena shouted. When the Stormtrooper guard looked over to her, Athena soon realized that she had said that outloud. Athena gave a weary smile and wave and the Stormtrooper walked away to patrol the rest of the jail.

"Am I going crazy?" Athena wondered.

"Yes," the voice of Daughter, Son and Father echoed.

Sighing, Athena mumbled, "I need to get out of here."

Athena then heard a familiar voice to her that she wished she had never heard again. She had a little bit of a robotic accent in her voice as she spoke with one of the guard.

"We're here to check on the prisoners. We heard reports of a Jedi being kept here," Seventh Sister spoke.

Athena slightly panicked and soon began to pull out pieces of her lightsaber out of her pockets and shirt as she quickly, and quietly, assembled it.

"I don't know what you're talking about. We only hold civilians here," A Stormtrooper's voice echoed through the halls.

"The you wouldn't mind us having a look then, would you?" Fifth Brother questioned.

Athena could hear the Stormtrooper's complaint cut short by the hum of a lightsaber and a scream cut short too from that Stormtrooper. Athena crept behind the wall closest to the bar door and hid herself as she held her lightsaber in hand. She head the footsteps grow louder as well as the hum of the lightsaber. The footsteps stopped and Athena could see the vermilion colored blades by the gap in the bars nearest to her.

"Well, seems like this one is locked without a prisoner inside," commented Fifth Brother.

Athena let out a few shaky breaths as Seventh Sister's hand came up to the lock and used the Force to unlock it. As the door slid open, Athena quickly ignited her iridescent lightsaber blades and lunged out from behind the wall to confront the two.

Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother were quick to swing their blades at Athena as she was forced to use both sides of her lightsaber to battle the two at the same time. Athena used the Force to push Seventh Sister back a little bit and she locked blades with Fifth brother with her lightsaber as it glowed a greenish-silver. She used all of her might she could muster with the weakening feeling in her bones to keep the blades away from her face. She soon had to brake from the lock to block Seventh Sister's lunge; the hum coming dangerously close to her ear.

Athena found herself in between the Inquisitors with one on each blade and side. She used this to her advantage, making them push against each other and using the greenish-silver lightsaber as a lever and herself as a fulcrum. Athena then let go of the lightsaber and ducked to place her plan into action.

Sure enough, the lightsaber spiraled as if it were a blade on a helicopter in the direction of Fifth Brother. Athena used this break to catch Seventh Sister off guard and kick her in the stomach as Fifth Brother blocked the lightsaber. The saber staff flew into Athena's hand and she resumed the battle.

As Athena lunged one end of the saberstaff at Fifth Brother's abdomen, she felt a choking sensation in her throat, causing her to hesitate. The choking soon progressed so bad that Athena dropped her lightsaber and her feet feel beneath herself as she collapsed. She let her head hit the cement and her vision went blurry and a sharp ringing reverberated in her ears.

Athena could barely hear as Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother were talking to another voice via hologram. She could tell that it was Darth Vader by the heavy mechanical breathing and his robotic voice. None of the dialog made any sense until Athena heard a clear voice belonging to Vader.

"I want the rebel alive."

"That can't be good..." was the only thought Athena could muster before her vision went dark and the ringing was gone.

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