Someone that I used to know

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As the wind blew through each of the female Jedi hair, Rae and Athena sensed something was bothering Cyla. Athena could tell something was wrong with Rae as she seemed to recognize something. Athena kept her mouth shut for both of two reasons: she didn't want the flying dirt to go in her mouth and she didn't want to overstep her boundaries.

Cyla slowly stopped the speeder bike as they came across what seemed to be a modified A-wing. Cyla parked the speeder about fifty feet away from the ship, keeping a distance from the ship. It didn't seem as if it had so much as a scratch on it, let alone crashing. The three dismounted the bike and stood there.

Cyla and Rae seemed even more confused and distressed as they stood there, and Athena could tell. Athena didn't really sense anything she really knew personally, but she sensed something she's noticed before. But, not like this.

"You two stay here, I'm going to check it out," Cyla ordered as she took her lightsaber out and ignited her green blade.

"Mom, hold on," Athena abruptly stopped her mother. "What is it that you sense?"

"Someone I used to know..." Cyla answered in a solemn voice with a sigh and continued forward with her lightsaber still lit.

"I can sense it too, Cyla," Rae said, seeming angry, and took her lightsabers off her belt and ignited the violet blades. "We split up and find him."

"Who do you guys sense that I don't know?" Athena demanded an answer.

"We'll split up. Be ready," Cyla told her daughter. "You probably don't know him."

Athena was starting to get worried now. Who was it that her mother seemed so keen on confronting and Rae to fight? Who was it that she felt in the Force that she knew but didn't at the same time? Athena had never seen Rae so angry for so long that it was shocking. And Athena had never seen her mother get so serious within seconds.

Rae went off to the left of the ship while Cyla went off to the right. That left Athena to go past the ship and look in the topography of the planet. She searched through the Force as she looked for the sense she felt before. There was something about this life-Force that she could find relatable to.

It felt...alone...hurt even. And scared. Athena tuned into the memories of these feelings and the presence of the being radiated much stronger in the Force for her view of it. Athena's feet nearly ran in the direction of where she felt it. She came to a halt when she came in confrontation with a large stack of rocks that were often scattered around Atollon. It was a huge, tan thing that had what looked to be made of rocks much bigger than the Ghost and in the pattern of a leaf. Athena looked around the large landmark when she heard something. Well...someone.

"You? I thought I sensed something that wasn't right."

So, who do you think it is? Huh? Huh? Guesses? Come on! Guess!

Leave your guess on who it is in a review!

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