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***PLEASE READ!!!!!***


This chapter has some sad feelings coming up at the end. If you don't want to go through that, just read the summary at the end of the chapter. It's not explicit at all. I just want to be safe.

It had been a month. Probably more than a month since Athena had been brought to Lola Sayu. Maybe two months. She figured it was somewhere near late December on Earth by now. Athena didn't think of that too much though. Her main thoughts she had throughout the day were how she was going to survive to the next day.

Athena proved herself quiet skillful in the classes with the Force and improved greatly with lightsaber combat. In some ways, you could say she was feared by some of the other students, having been dubbed the name of Breaker. Ever since her first day and the incident in the cafeteria, she had just gotten this respect for her moxie and daring personality. It brought out the worst pieces of her personality she had hoped would never see the light again after she met the rebels. She was vicious, vengeful, and violent. Though, with the help of Daughter and Father in her sleep, she was able to keep her green eyes so they never turned red or yellow. Barely.

She had a few close calls with falling to the Dark Side. Especially having all of the pressure around her to turn to the Dark Side.

This day was one of the days she had some of the hardest time keeping loyal to the Light Side.

She was sparring with the other students with lightsabers and Vader had decided to watch over the class that day. It was known by Athena that he was starting to get impatient with her will not allowing herself to fall to the Dark Side. She knew that he wanted her to crack, to tell everything she knew about the rebellion and Earth. Athena could tell because she was starting to get very good about reading minds now, almost to the point where she could find the deepest feelings hidden in a person.

Athena swept her opponent's foot out from under himself, causing her opponent to fall. She held her red lightsaber blade above her opponent's throat, declaring herself the winner.

"Finnish him," Vader's voice echoed.

Athena turned to the source of voice, she questioned, "What?"

"I said to finnish him," Vader ordered.

Athena kept the red blade of her's above her opponent's throat, but did not move it. She kept her eyes on Vader, narrowing her eyes in confusion.

"Kill him."

"No," Athena responded without hesitation or a second thought.

The class of students seemed nervous as everyone could sense Vader's anger spike within the Force.

"The Empire has no room for weakness. Finnish him," Vader ordered.


"Then you will die."

"I'd like to see you try."

Sure enough, Athena found herself in an interrogation room with herself restrained in an interrogation chair. An IT-O Interrogator floated around her head as Vader stood not too far away. Athena used all of her might to shove out all probing Vader and the droid were trying. Vader filled her head with promises of the Dark Side and its' awards.

Athena felt her mind beginning to weaken. It was like a wall chipping, and chipping, and chipping away. Each chip giving her pain and anger.

"Don't give into his promises. He is trying to use you," Daughter's voice whispered in her mind.

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