Scars you can't see

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That evening, the crew was all gathered in the kitchen as they ate. Ezra and Rae told Zeb with wide eyes about the Waffle House, Zeb didn't believe that it even existed. Onthant and Kanan assured him that it was so. Athena was having an 'interesting' conversation with Chopper. It consisted mostly of him beeping at her and Athena would shove him away. Cyla and Hera's conversation mostly consisted of Hera warning Cyla how much Kanan and Athena get into fights.

Rae, Hera, and Cyla all sat on one side of the table while, Onthant, Zeb and Ezra sat on the other side. Kanan stood next to his dad as he ate and talked to the others. Athena sat on the floor next to Chopper, still pushing him away from her food. She didn't talk much, she didn't really need to.

Kanan noticed his little sister all lonely by herself, so he came over to her and sat down next to her on the ground to the right of her.

"Hey, you aren't eating much," Kanan said. "You ok?"

"I'm not too hungry," Athena looked down at her plate that was still untouched. She turned to the astromech as he bumped into her left arm. "Chopper, will you go already? You're like a dog begging for attention."

"Hey, he's just saying that he missed you, kid," Kanan assured and chuckled once the words left his mouth.

"What?" Athena asked as her brother still slightly chuckled to himself.

"Well, I'm not sure if me calling you 'kid' is justified anymore," Kanan shook his head.


"Well, you did just save the universe by single-handedly taking on the most powerful being in the universe and coming back alive. You grew up more than anyone I ever knew," Kanan smiled at his little sister.

Shrugging her shoulders, Athena looked back at her plate and said nothing. She turned her head again once Chopper bumped her shoulder.

"Chopper, can you please stop? That's where she grabbed my shoulder," Athena warned. "Come on, I already lost an eye."

"Big baby," Chopper beeped. "When I lost my vision camera because of you, no one cared."

"Chopper, really, she had a really bad fight. Leave her alone. We're lucky she came back all in one piece...for the most part."

Chopper let out a string of curt comments before he rolled away. Athena looked up at her big brother, "You know I can handle him myself."

"I know, but I think you need a break after everything," Kanan said.

"Hey, where are Mom and Dad going to sleep?" Athena asked.

"Well, I can share a room with Dad and Mom can go to your cabin on the command ship with you."

"I think they should be able to share the same room. They're a married couple where Mom has been dead for fourteen years. Don't you think they should be able to share the same room like a married couple?"

"I guess so, but we don't have an extra cabin."

"They can have my cabin. I can share a cabin with Ahsoka," Athena suggested.

"Alright, if Ahsoka, Dad, and Mom are ok with it," Kanan agreed.

"Ok," Athena agreed and turned back to her plate as she had barely touched her food.

"Do you need to talk? You really don't seem good after the fight with Abeloth."

Athena seemed to tense up in her entire body as soon as the Bringer of Chaos's name was uttered. She growled under her breath, "Can you please not say her name?"

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