The End

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Jalo stood at the edge of the rebel base with his lightsaber he had built so long ago in his hands as he turned it to look over the weapon with a bag slung over his shoulder containing all that he owned. It had been a few weeks, maybe a month since the rebels offered him to stay. He did leave, just not for forever. When Jalo had first come to the base, it was mid-March on Earth. Now it was April, maybe May of 2016.

He looked towards the base as he stood just beyond the opposite side of the fence.

He watched from the distance as he contemplated on whether to enter or not. The movement of two familiar people caught his eyes. He saw the one-eyed Jedi Padawan talk to the blue-haired teen he had seen all those months ago on the command ship. Though...he never really talked to Ezra. At all.

His blue hair was cut short now and he seemed taller and more muscular. He wore a new outfit, but it was still the same pallet of colors for the most part.

She seemed to be worried about the boy as she seemed to chase after him as he stormed off from her. She grabbed his wrist to stop him. He seemed to get even madder at her as he turned to her and ripped his arm away from her. The two started to yell at each other and Jalo could tell they were both doing it out of grief and hurt.

Athena's and Ezra's shouts were getting so loud, Jalo could even start to hear their argument from where he was standing. Jalo sighed and shut his eyes tight as he felt as if he was going to regret stepping into the rebel base. He walked through the gap between the beacons and opened his eyes.

Jalo began to walk in the two's direction. He expected the Padawans to have sensed him, but they kept yelling at each other. He stopped about two and a half meters away from the two and yet they still didn't even notice him.

"Is this the right rebel base?" Jalo calmly spoke. "I thought I sensed something familiar. I don't know though."

The royal blue eyes of Ezra and Athena's one working green eye fell on Jalo.

"Jalo," Athena spoke as she turned away from Ezra. "I didn't think you'd come threat from Earth?"

"Actually no," Jalo said.

"Why are you here then?" Ezra sneered as he glared at Jalo, his arms crossed.

"Look, boy, I know you and I have had our differences-"

"You kidnapped my Master and my friend. You electrocuted me," Ezra glare harshened. "Just because you did one good deed doesn't mean that you're exactly welcome here."

"Oh, you won't trust the guy that saved Chopper Base, but you'll trust a Sith you found in the dark," Athena scoffed.

Ezra seemed infuriated at Athena as he turned to her, towering her once again with height. "YOU WEREN'T EVEN THERE!"


"What? You would have done better? Ahsoka might still be here?" Ezra snapped.

"Well, I obviously have a better experience of SUCCESSFULLY killing forces of evil and yet everyone comes back in one piece! Plus one!" Athena yelled.

"YOU LOST AN EYE!" Ezra yelled.

"AT LEAST NO ONE LOST BOTH!" Athena shouted.

"Well, if you could heal right, Kanan might be able to still see!" Ezra yelled as he pushed Athena's shoulder.

"Fight me, boy! I dare you!" Athena dared as she pushed Ezra back. "You don't even have a lightsaber!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Jalo shouted as he put his arm between the two. "What is wrong with you two?"

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