You think that I'm not smart

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Kanan was sleeping and he felt like he was hovering between awake and asleep as he saw nothing but a few blurry pictures in his mind. At first, it was nothing but darkness. Then there were blotchy forms and picture in a hazy grey.

Kanan didn't see much out of these as he knew this must've been starting to become a vison.

He soon saw his little sister with new clothing on that he had never seen before and a red Inquisitor-style lightsaber in her hand as she held it above a boy's throat and Vader standing not too far away.

"Finnish him," Vader's voice echoed.

Athena turned to the source of voice, she questioned, "What?"

"I said to finnish him," Vader ordered.

Then, a loud scream pierced through Kanan's ear. A scream and then a mad laughter. He recognized the laughter and scream as female. Then he realized it was his sister as a picture of her in an interrogation chair flashed before his eyes with her strapped to it and laughing as smoke floated around her.

Another picture flashed by of the Sith Lord choking Athena in mid-air, but she was smiling and seeming unfazed by her throat being picture of Athena with the crazed look in her eyes and dead look across her face made Kanan sick to his stomach.

Then, he saw another, a little clearer of a picture. It was of Athena next to a nautolan girl that was obviously hurt. Athena had black hair, red eyes, and her skin the color of purplish-grey with red stripes and she compassionately held the child's hand and her eyes began to well up with then let out a bloodcurdling scream as the child closed her eyes. Athena turned back to her regular appearance and wept onto the ground.


Kanan sat right up in his bed and snapped his eyes open. He let out a few shaky breaths and steadied himself.

"She's alive..." Kanan murmured to himself. Kanan soon kicked aside his blankets and got ready for the day with a little faster pace than usual. He quickly exited his cabin and ran into Hera.

Before she could even speak, Kanan said, "She's alive."

"Wha- who's alive?" Hera asked.

"Athena. But she's not going to be alive for long," Kanan quickly stated.

Hera's green eyes widened, she asked with excitement, "She's alive? She's alive! Did you have a vision?"

Kanan nodded his head, he told, "The Empire's got her. But she's alive."

The Ghost crew soon found themselves all in the command ship, plus Rex, Ahsoka and Commander Sato. Kanan explained to them what he saw and they all seemed surprised. For the first time in what seemed forever since Ahsoka told them of Athena, the rebels had hope that Athena was still alive.

"She's alive?!" Sabine asked with excitement.

Kanan nodded, he responded, "But I'm not sure for how long."

"Why? What happened to her?" Ezra asked.

"With her in the grips of the Sith Lord, she might not last long," Hera said.

"She's a pretty tough kid. She won't be able to die so easily. I'd be worried mostly about her sanity. Being a captive for that long puts a strain on even the toughest of soldiers," Rex commented.

"She's not a soldier though," Zeb pointed out and shook his head. "Athena's just a kid."

"If we can locate where you saw Athena in your vision, Jarrus, we might be able to find her," Commander Sato said.

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