Too small

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Athena weakly walked off the Imperial Shuttle with her feet nearly stumbling due to lack of energy ; her hands bound behind her in cuffs. She looked around to see a large, tall, grey, building with searchlights illuminating a circle of where ever they passed over. The building had many lights glowing through the windows of what seemed to be hundreds of levels. Beneath her feet was brown, volcanic rock with jagged rocks of the same material spreading as far as the eye could see to her one side. To her other side:it glowed yellow as lava slowly churned in it large pool of it in front of the building.A sky of dark purple hung over her.

She was escorted by two Stormtroopers over the flat platform. Athena nearly froze once she saw a dark figure with a cape behind it approach them. On the figure, there was place a mask where a face would be and mechanical breathing filled the surrounding air. Athena could sense the evil oozing from the figure. The anger...The fear... The hate...

Athena could even sense the nervousness within the Stormtroopers as Darth Vader approached them. She hid as much as she could of fear within the Force.

A gloved hand was stretched out in the direction of the Stormtrooper who had Athena's lightsaber on his hip. The Stormtrooper showed no hesitation to hand it over. The dark figure looked over the saberstaff and then at the Stormtroopers.

"Your service is no longer needed."

The Stormtroopers bowed before they turned and went back to the Shuttle. The dark eyes of the mask looked down at the teenager as the gloved hands held the saberstaff.

"A saberstaff is not usually the choice of a Jedi," commented the dark figure.

Athena remained silent as she refused to look in the direction of the voice.

"Your previous training with the saberstaff will prove to be useful," a whip of the black cape and the face looked in the direction of the building."I suggest you follow if you want to live to see your friends."

Athena hesitantly followed the heavy clomps of metal boots towards the large building. No sound was made between the two other than the mechanical breathing that reminded Athena of a scuba diver's oxygen intake. The elevator ride wasn't too enjoyable as Athena distanced herself as far as she could and let her eyes not falter from looking onto the floor.

Once the elevator door opened , Athena followed the flow of the black cape through a series of multiple halls and doors until she stopped in a room with the Sith Lord beside door slid open once Vader used the Force to open it. It was a fairly large room filled with many obstacles and red blades in every hand that was in the room.

But, these were no Inquisitors; they were children. The eldest looking at the age of nineteen, the youngest at the age of five. Each of them had either yellow eyes or of a washed out color of what must've been their original eye color. There was about fifty children in all there, each kneeled as soon as they laid eyes on Vader.

As they stood up, Vader placed a hand on Athena's shoulder. She flinched.

"This is the new recruit and servant to the Empire. I expect for you all to give her a proper Imperial welcome," Vader spoke.

Athena gulped silently as the eyes of the others peered with anger at her own green eyes. Vader removed the gloved hand and spoke again.

"I will return. Resume your training," Vader soon took his hand off Athena's shoulder and turned to leave through the door that Athena had come through with the dark figure. Before he left, Athena felt him use the Force to release the binds that kept her hands behind her back as they fell to the ground; allowing Athena to move her hands.

Athena was left standing in front of the many yellow and pale eyes as they peered at her. A human female, about nineteen, walked out to confront Athena. She had a shaved head with a little patch of brown hair on the side of her head. Her eyes gleamed with hatred and hurt with light yellow irises that could burn a hole in one's soul. She wore black armor similar to the Inquisitor's with an Imperial symbol over her heart as did the others. The girl held a dual-bladed lightsaber in her hand with a crimson blade humming near Athena's face now.

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