A secret can't be unknown

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Rex, Onthant, Zeb, Athena, and Chopper were all in the common room of the Ghost as each held their best poker face with a deck of sabacc cards in their hands. Chopper had the best poker face, though. Zeb sat in the wooden chair as Onthant and Rex sat on the orange couch while Athena sat on a small stool in front of them. She constantly shooed Chopper away as he constantly peeked over her shoulder. They were gambling with snacks and Rex was winning so far.

"Alright, I win again," Rex smiled as he laid down his cards and reached for the pile of snacks on the table.

"Hold on-" Athena reached out with her hand and plopped down the cards she had on the table. She smiled as the face of Rex turned to shocked. "Sabbac, boys! Looks like I got an Idiot's Array."

"Darn ya, kid! I taught you too well!" Zeb joked as Athena collected the pile of snacks.

It had been weeks since they had returned to the rebels. Athena even changed up her look.

She wore the uniform she was given by the Empire on Lola Sayu as basically her everyday outfit. Her left eye was still a pale green with the red and pink scar around it. No one could see her eye though as her new haircut hid it under her hair.

Her hair was now only slightly longer than Sabine's with a bang swooping over her left eye, only letting a small piece of her scar show. She decided shorter hair would be more combat appropriate. The bottoms of the left side of her hair was dyed black with crimson highlights through it. On the right side of her hair, she dyed the bottoms an eggshell white with mint-green highlights through her hair.

As Onthant and Cyla grew into the rebellion, Onthant became close friends with Rex and Zeb since they all had their age and gender in common. Athena often joined the guys playing Sabacc or something whenever she got bored or didn't know what to draw and needed her mind cleared.

"I learned from the best," Athena commented as she turned to the lasat.

Athena seemed to be slowly recovering from her experience with Abeloth, but the scars were still there. She had been getting more social as she was before Empire day, but it these moments were few and far between compared to Athena before. She was constantly sent on missions with Ahsoka for recons and other ops, but she was always in disguise. Her mind was sharpened and more tactical as she learned further from Ahsoka and her experiences.

She covered up her blind eye with her hair as she noticed other rebels from other cells were often staring at it with a strange look; the burn on her left shoulder was still very noticeable. She felt that her eye was starting to make people uncomfortable and she was tired of trying to explain what happened to her eye to others when they asked about it. She had always kept a bandage over the blaster wound on her forehead, always just saying it was a bad pimple that wouldn't go away or something.

Kanan assured her that he'd keep the true story of the scar their little secret.

"I'll shuffle the cards this time," Onthant offered, soon to have the cards passed to him and the small pieces of paper shuffle through the deck.

"Hey! Why don't I ever get to shuffle the cards?" Chopper beeped.

"Because you don't have thumbs, C1-10P," Onthant reminded as he passed out the cards to the players.

"Wow...that's cold..."Chopper whirred.

"Stop complaining, droid," Zeb warned. "It's not like we don't all know you're trying to look off our cards anyways."

"Has anyone notices that C1-10P looks like the word 'CHOP' in Earth writing?" Athena pointed out.

Stopping to think for a second, Onthant said, "I never thought of that before.I guess it does."

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