Fake a smile

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"Not yet," a malicious voice echoed.

Athena's heart stopped as she heard the voice reverberate in her ears. A cold chill ran up and down her spine as she heard the voice. She reluctantly looked up at the source of the voice. What her eyes beheld would've given even the strongest of heart person to faint.

It was about eight feet tall. The figure's skin was that of a sickly pale and its hair was of a metallic silver as it flowed past its knees. It wore the disgusting color of peach and white mixed with grey as a long-sleeved dress that was ragged and torn and the ends as it flooded around it on the ground. Tentacles seemed to replace its hands as they seemed to melt from the arms and stretched down to the ground also. Its lips were a blood red as countless rows of teeth stretched from ear to ear as her mouth seemed to be cut literally from each ear. The face was covered with disgusting grey and black veins that stretched to her neck. The eyes...the eyes...no words could express the true horror Athena felt when she stared at the small black beads for eyes with a tinge of blood red in them. She wanted to cry her eyes out like a small child in fear as she laid eyes upon Abeloth.

"Don't be scared, child," the monster said in a voice that was the equivalent as nails being dragged on a chalkboard.

Athena slowly grasped for her mother's Holocron and slowly dragged it to her as she held it black specks for eyes followed this and looked at Athena's emerald green eyes.

"You're a Jedi..." Abeloth hissed and laughed a horrible laugh. "They sent a Jedi Padawan to me!"

Athena trembled as she stayed on all fours. Her heart raced as she felt more fear in her body than she had ever felt before. Her limbs felt numb and her hair stood on end with her hands sweaty.

"Come now, child...You are no Jedi...are you?" Abeloth hissed. "You're the Keeper now, aren't you? Father couldn't possibly be that stupid to just send a Jedi Padawan to keep me locked away. He would've sent a whole fleet of Jedi."

Hearing the word Keeper reminded Athena of what her mission was. She remembered the billions of people depending on her that very moment. Athena looked behind her to see two giant doors about the size of the Gateway Arch that formed a black arch with a small gap between them with the skyline of St. Louis in it with a haze of warped purple over it. The gap was slowly widening.

Athena looked around to scan the topography. Where she was, it was completely flat sandstone the color of tan for a good distance. Beyond that was a canyon surrounded by crumpled up boulders to the left. To her right was what seemed to be a greyish-green forest with tan, jagged, sharp, mountains behind it.

Athena looked at her watch to see that the seconds passed by the minutes as time had slowed and warped. She glared at Abeloth and slowly stood. She put her Holocron in her book bag and strapped her book bag tight on her back.

A dose of confidence flooded her as she glared into the eyes that seemed to have been sunken into the head of Abeloth. As if her very appearance was corrupted.

"The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out in the universe. I am what is left of their religion."

Athena remembered a similar line from the 'Star Wars' movie like that. What better time to use it?

Raising her white eyebrow, Abeloth chuckled, "Then they will become extinct completely."

Summoning a ball of fire in her right hand, Athena said in a low voice, "But, I am no ordinary Jedi."

Abeloth seemed taken aback by Athena's ability to summon fire, but her surprise was soon replaced with a gruesome-looking smile, showing all of her razor teeth that stretched from ear to ear.

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