You Know

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It was about noon when everyone had caught up on all their sleep as everyone was up. They hadn't been attacked by one minion of Abeloth the entire time. This put everyone on edge. Especially Athena.

The others could tell something was wrong with Athena. She didn't seem right that day. She was very wary and didn't seem to relax. At the slightest movement, she'd jump and clutch her lightsaber with a frightened look in her eyes. She did this to several houseflies and other small bugs that would buzz too close to their unfortunate death via lightsaber. The sudden hum of her two blades didn't even faze them after a while it was so frequent. Every time this happened, Kanan would place a hand on his little sister's shoulder and assure her that she was ok. She would turn off her lightsaber and she would let out a few shaky breaths.

"Kid, calm down. It's just a bug. It's not going to hurt you."

Everyone dressed in the clothes they had worn Christmas day. Onthant was back in his jeans with his black sweatshirt, a black t-shirt underneath, and timberland shoes stained with rust and dirt. Rae was wearing the blue and green plaid shirt with long jeans and her boots with the purple highlights against the grey cloth. Ezra basically wore his usual attire he wore with the rebellion, just minus the armor; same with Kanan. Athena wore her green tank-top underneath her black sweatshirt with her jeans and sneakers also being worn.

Kanan often meditated as there was nothing to do. Ezra asked Athena and Onthant most of the day about Earth. Rae mostly either talked to Athena or listened to music and scrolled through her phone.

None of them had gone out of their room since they were very wary as the Bringer of Chaos's prison was wearing away not more than a few miles away. And they had the biggest bullseye on them. They didn't feel too crowded in the room at all. Compared to the car they had been in for so long, this was roomy.

At this time, Athena sat between Rae and Ezra on one of the two beds as they faced to watch the TV. It was on the news channel and they switched over to discuss the presidential campaign.

"Hold on, Donald Trump is running for president?" Athena asked wide-eyed. "They have to be joking."

"It's no joke, kiddo," Onthant shook his head as he sat on the other bed while Kanan was next to him. "Being from New York, I'm surprised and yet not surprised at this."

"I'm liking Kasich. He's from Ohio, I was kinda ok with him as governor," Athena shared. "Though, I wish he would pass a law or something to help the foster kids."

"Yeah, I don't think he's gonna last too long though. Looks like it's between Trump and Clinton."

"Hillary Clinton? The husband of Bill Clinton? Are you kidding me?" Athena asked. "What is wrong with this country?! We are basically choosing between some of the worst evils for the leader of one of the most powerful nations on this planet! Wow..."

"Yeah, this county is in some serious trouble if any of these guys get in," Onthant concurred.

"True dat."

"What's wrong with Trump and Clinton?" Ezra asked.

Letting out a deep sigh, Athena told, "It's better if you didn't know. In this case: ignorance is bliss."


It was later in the day when Athena had gotten tired of staying in the hotel room. She decided to go up on the roof of the hotel and watch the city lights. Being late December the sun had already faded into the horizon -being the time of six o'clock. The town was illuminated by all the lights shining from all the building. The hotel they were occupying was right next to Lumiere Place Casino and Hotel and just across the street from the Dome at America's Center. As she stood on the roof of their three-floor hotel, she automatically was entranced to look in the direction of the St. Louis arch. This didn't prove too productive since the Lumiere Place blocked her view as well as the billboard between their hotel and the Lumiere Place.

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