Chapter Two - Training and Pack Meetings

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I woke up to my alarm blaring off at 6:30... It is way to early. Sadly training starts at 7:00 though. I'm also one of those people who loves her sleep, so naturally I put off getting up until the last minute. Which I've just done!

I quickly get up and go freshen up in the bath room. After getting changed into work out shorts and a sports bra with a singlet over the top, I head down to the kitchen.

Because my family is the Beta family we have our own house near the pack house. The Alpha has the biggest house of course and other families also have their own houses in the area. The pack house tends to have people who aren't families in it. But everyone is always welcome there.

When I get down stairs to the kitchen to grab a protein bar for breakfast and see my older brother, Steve, there. He will be the new Beta of the pack soon as he's almost 21 and our Alpha, who is also his best friend, has recently taken over for his father. Between the age of 18 and 21 he has been training closely with our father for the role.

My brother and I are pretty close but we still banter like any siblings do. We look similar to a point, with brown hair and brown eyes but he has 2 years on me.

"Hey Mila" He groans to me with his coffee cradled in his hands. "Do you have training this morning?" He asks as he gulps down the rest of his coffee.

I cant help but laugh at him. "Yeah, I do. Got about 5 minutes before I have to run over. What about you?"

He gives me a stink eye before replying "Yeah, dad wants me to assist Jamie with the training session. Something about knowing how his role works on the chance he isn't able to do it."

We both chuck our shoes on and head towards the clearing where training is held. Steve gives me a playful shove before running towards Jamie, the Head Warrior, to learn what he needs to today.

I quickly run over to Stacey, one of my best friend and daughter of the Gamma, before they start the training.

"Just on time as usual..." She teases. "I heard we're hosting a party for all the Alphas on the weekend since Alpha Dave has officially taken over for his father, plus your brother becomes the Beta on Saturday."

"Really? We never host parties with other Alphas. I wonder what they're actually like. Normally Steve goes to them with dad, it'll be nice to actually be at one."

Typically packs host parties when welcoming new Alphas and Betas but I've never gone to one because my brother is the one becoming Beta, not me. I'm working towards becoming one of the better warriors for the pack instead. Since I always knew I wouldn't have the Beta role, I decided to be a warrior so I can help protect the pack.

"Well I can't wait, I hear some of those Alphas and Betas are pretty good looking. Maybe we can meet our mates." she giggles while wiggling her eye brows. I cant help but chuckle at her.

We hear Steve yell for everyone to start running in human form to warm up, so we all do. After we're done we pair up and start practice fighting each other. Another half an hour later and half of us strip behind the woods and go into wolf form the continue our training. Then eventually all of us are wolves and practice. Generally your wolf size goes based of strength and rank. So we pair up with those roughly similar in size for this training. But when we train to improve we spar with those bigger for more of a challenge.

Over the session I occasionally watch as my brother goes to each pair or group and gives advice. I'm so proud of him and I think he will be a great Beta.

Once our session was over I say goodbye to Stacey before heading home to shower and change into some skinny black jeans and a purple singlet.

'Everyone assemble for a pack meeting at 12:00 sharp' I hear Alpha Dave say through the mind link.

I look at my watch at see its 10:00 so I decide to grab an apple and chuck on a movie.


When it's finished I quickly put my converse on and run over the pack house for the meeting.

When I get there I see most people already there on the front lawn on the pack house. I go stand with my mum while my dad and brother are up with the Alpha and his dad and mum.

The new Alpha starts by thanking everyone for coming and making his first week as Alpha an easy transition. Fills us in on whats going on for pack members, like how we are getting a new pack member that is a rogue who was requesting a treaty but met their mate so now is joining.

At the end of the meeting he announces that as he has become Alpha and Steve will be taking over as Beta Saturday, so we're having a celebration for both having their birthday as well as taking their new positions. We must be respectful to those visiting and it will be formal dress.

I need to get a dress for the party at some point this week since I've never had need for one and I doubt my party dresses are formal enough.

Pack members that have family or friends they can stay the night with, will do so that night so the Alphas and Betas have enough room at the pack house.

Once the meeting is over, Stacey and I decide to have a girls night while we binge watch Netflix and ate our favourite junk food. At some point Steve and Dave join us for a bit before we all go back to our own houses.

Ahh bed... my forever best friend!


Grammar edited 6/12/17

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