Chapter Six - Making A Choice

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I woke up to the sun shining in on my face, looking over to my clock I see it's 7:45. Realisation suddenly hits me, how did I get back to my bed? The last I remember I was talking to Derek...

I explained about Rory, hoping if I decide to stay that he understands my reasoning. He seemed to take it all in, looking saddened hearing that I was even in that situation. I remember bursting into tears in his arms while a feeling of comfort washed over me, then I must have nodded off.

I go have a shower and get dressed into some mid thigh shorts and an off shoulder top. Heading down stairs to have breakfast, only to see my parents and Steve sitting at the dining table.

"Ummm... Is everything ok?" I ask, looking at them sceptically, while getting a protein bar from the pantry.

My mother is the first to speak up. "Sweety, we know your mate is Alpha Derek. He brought you home last night but said you're not even sure if you'll be with him..."

"Why wouldn't you want to be with your mate baby?" My dad enquires. All while my brother's just in thought hugging his coffee like always.

"It's just... Well, if I go and hunters come or even rogues like last night come... I wont be able keep you and the pack safe or even help you. It'd take hours to go from one pack to the other." I'm well aware that I alone cant save the entire pack but I just can't help but feel fiercely protective of people I love.

I can't lose them too.

My dad walks over to me and pulls me into a tight hug. "Baby it's not your job to protect us all. I know you feel this obligation to make sure we're all ok but we are. We want you to be happy living with your mate. He's a good guy, and you'll be able to Skype any time you want... you have such a caring nature, use it to be the best Luna for his pack and be happy too."

I look over to my mum while in my dads arms and she nods in agreement while coming over to hug me too. "Sweety, you don't want to lose your mate. He's caring and willing to be alone just so that he knows you're happy. We want you to be happy and so would Rory." She says with tears in her eyes as she keeps them at bay.

When I turn to Steve he still looks deep in thought staring at his now cold coffee, before he suddenly stands up and grabs my wrist and walks me outside. Too shocked by his actions, I follow him out.

Once we're on the front porch, we sit together on the steps. I turn slightly to look at my brother, trying to work out what he's thinking but honestly I can't pick it.

"Do you want to be with Derek? Ignore everything else for a sec, if nothing else mattered, would you want to be with him?" He asks after a while of silence.

I've already thought about it seriously. I know that I want to be with him but I also need my family and friends tell me they're ok with it. "I do." I answer without hesitation. "When I told him about Rory he listened and when he saw me breaking down afterwards he didn't hesitate to comfort me Steve. But would you be ok with it if I went with him? Be honest."

Steve looks like he's relaxed a bit hearing my answer. "I'd be ok with it Mila... I'll miss you like crazy and kill that Alpha if he ever hurts you..." He chuckles at me scowl. "But you always make sure we're ok, it's about time you did something for yourself. If this was a week ago I'd want you to stay, but having found Julie I couldn't go without her. So I couldn't ask you to do that to each other." He sighs at the end, almost looking surprised by his own words.

A face splitting smile grows on my face before I give him a bone crushing hug, though he returns it ten times harder before I tap out. Goddess he's like a vice...

"I love you Steve. Thank you." I whisper, leaning on his shoulder.

"I love you too Mila. All I want is for you to be happy." He says with his arm around my shoulder.

After sitting together talking about Julie and him moving into the top floor on the pack house now that they're together, we're interrupted by Stacey and Greg coming over with big smiles on their faces before seeing my brother and I.


We go off to the lake together, sitting near the edge with our feet in it. All of us about to have pretty big life changes, so we enjoy just being together.

After 5 minutes Greg speaks up. "Are you coming with me to Cali?" He says looking hopeful. "I'd love it if you did Mila."

"Ughh... I don't know yet Greg. I mean I want to and if you're going at least I'd have one of my besties with me but it's hard to leave my family behind. But they have said they want me to go, so I guess that is a weight lifted for me... What do you think Stacey?"

She's in thought for a moment before speaking up. "Mila when Rory died, a bit of you did too. You were so closed off until Steve talked you into private training with him just so you didn't feel helpless anymore. You could take down most people in our pack and I love that but there is more to life. I'm going to have one of the girls with me and I think it'd be awesome for you to have Greg." She tell me with tears in her eyes. "You know everyone supports your choice, so make it for yourself hun."

With that I hug her tightly with tears in my eyes. I can't believe how great everyone has been. I knew deep down they'd all supoort me but I guess part of me needs their approval too. Afterwards we talk about our first meetings with our mates before I decide that I need to go talk to Derek.

He must be pretty anxious.


Knocking on his bedroom door in the pack house, he answers in only shorts with his hair still damp from his shower. You're killing me.... if my mind wasn't already made up.... wow!

He clears his throat and I look up realising I was staring. I blush a bit for being caught. "Ok we need to talk but you need to put a shirt on or this conversation isn't going to be very useful..." I chuckle.

He laughs but nods getting a shirt from his bag. Damn... "So what did you want to talk about?" He asks looking a bit nervous... "Umm.. right. Ok. I've talked to my friends and family. I just want to ask you some thing if you don't mind...."

Why did he make me nervous?

"Yeah go ahead. I'll answer whatever you need, love."

"I mainly want to know if you'll see me as a baby maker or as an equal, to be honest?" I ask nervously. It sounds silly but it's not odd for mates to have kids within the first year together and I don't want that off the bat.

He looks taken back but quickly answers. "I see you as my equal!" Shocked I'd think otherwise. "Of course I want a family but I'm happy to wait til you're ready too. Do I really make you so uncomfortable that you think I only want you for another Alpha to be born?" He asks looking defeated.

"No no no. That's not it!" I run my hand threw my hair.  "I made my choice before even knocking on your door but we also know very little about each other and I can't pretend like I'd be happy sitting around doing nothing until you wanted kids is all..." I look down feeling a bit ashamed I even asked now.

I feel his finger under my chin to make me look into his green eyes. "All I want is you. If you decide you didn't want kids at all, I'd learn to accept it. I just want your happiness Mila..."

After spending today with my friends and family, even when Derek and I have talked, I realise how easy this choice really is.

I realise just how lucky I am to have such caring people in my life. My parents are about to have an empty house. My friends and I wont be able to hang out daily anymore. Steve and I can't train or just have brother sister time anymore. But none of them mind as long as I'm happy.

Derek was even willing to be a state away from me and be miserable if it ment I was happy with those I love. We've only known each other one day but I have this feeling that fate got this right.

I smile up at him before going on my toes to place my lips on his. Tingles from where our lips join explode from having our first kiss.


Grammar edited 10/10/17

Happy reading.

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