Chapter Eleven - Odds Are Against Me

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The next day, after calling my brother and telling him all is well while leaving out my fight of course. I grab Greg and we head to the waterfall we spotted on our tour.

"What did you say to Derek during that fight, by the way?" I ask curiously. "He looked pretty fired up." We were currently sun baking on the grass that was in a clearing near the water.

He chuckles at me. "I told him you'll take him down if he tries to stop you proving yourself to the pack. And you need the pack to see you're not weak."

I nodded in agreement. The reality is, I'd have been very annoyed if he had interfered and made the pack think I can't fight one member.

"So, how are things with Chris going anyway?" I ask, hoping he's now over the closed off point he went through before.

He gave me a bright smile. "They're really good Mila! He's busy being the Beta and all but we've been getting to know each other. Last night we even marked each other."

I chuckle a bit and when I see his confused face I explain. "I told you all the worrying was for nothing. I just wish you hadn't stressed yourself so much. Also Derek and I marked each other too."

His eyes widen then he cracks up laughing with me. I'm so happy to have him here with me, it makes the move so much easier to adjust to.

We are in hysterics when I smell something bad in the air. Then five rogue wolves emerge from the thick woods on the other side on the clearing. Gregs eyes widen seeing them, he was never a fighter so I think he's panicked a bit. If he has to he will fight but he would struggle against that many rogues.

Even I'll struggle against strong looking rogues...

"Greg go get some warriors and the Alpha, now!" I command, hoping to get him away as fast as possible. He looks at me like I'm crazy, raising a brow as of to say 'your not serious'. "Greg we can't mind link them, hurry up so I don't have to hold them back as long, we wont win this just us two." He nods quickly and starts to run off.

One of the rogues tries to go after him but I quickly tackle him down full force to the grassy floor. By the time he's up, Greg's gone and they're anger is directed at me.

Phew... at least he's safe...

Ahhh śhìť this is gonna be hard....

One of the bigger wolves shifts back into his human form and chucks shorts on. "Well look at you, you look good enough to eat!"

"Leave now. You're on pack territory." Maybe I can stall with words...

Yeah right...

He laughs and shifts back into back into his wolf. I take this time to change into my white wolf.

They start to circle around me slowly. I eye each one of them off and watch them carefully. I've never taken on so many at once before... two maybe three but five is going to be damn hard...

Pay attention. I tell myself in hopes to give myself hope.

The one I tackled earlier decides he's done waiting and tries to attack me. I quickly jump out the way, twisting around swiftly and snapping my jaws on his neck hard, killing him instantly. I can't risk anything with these numbers.

Though honestly, I hate killing if it's not needed.

Two of the others decided theu were going to team up to attack me, I manage to jump out of the way of the bigger one from earlier but the other sinks his teeth into my already injured leg, slowing me down and causing a lot of pain. I let out a yelp from impact, but I need to push it aside if I want to survive this.

I turn and slash with as much force as I can give, at one of there faces. While he's disoriented I turn to the other wolf and lunge at him and shoving him to the ground. I swipe at his belly causing a howl of pain from him before I snap my jaws on his throat.

Two down three to go... how hard can that be...

Just hold on. We're doing good. My wolf reassures me.

I turn to see the forth wolf about to attack and leader watching the fight with observing eyes. The next thing I know the forth and I are snapping at each other. Though he seems to be holding back... He doesn't actually seem to want to land any blows to me, which is very odd in comparison to his fellow rogues. I get a hold on him and throw him into a tree. Knocking him out cold.

I turn feeling exhausted from the fight. The wolf I scratched earlier is snarling in my directed. As I get ready to keep fighting him, I'm suddenly knocked to the side. I look up just as I see the leader grab me by my scruff and throw me into a rock.

Well, I wasn't expecting that...

I look over in his direction until I  start to see black spots. I hear an angry howl in the distance. The leader gives me a wolfy smirk before he runs off with the other large wolf. I can see in the distance about 10 wolves running after them.

I close my eyes for what I thought was only a split second.

Only to open them and the next thing I see is Chris and Greg looking at me concerned before Derek's right in front of me.

"Come on baby, stay awake. You did great but you have to stay awake for me. Okay?" I really do want to but after the fight and that last blow to the head, I'm just too exhausted to hold it off much longer. I try to give him a weak smile but I can't stay awake anymore.

The last thing I see before my eyes finally close is Dereks worried face shouting at me.

"No, Mila..."


Grammar edited 10/10/17

Happy reading

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