Chapter Twenty Four - We Meet Again

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The second in command rogue steps out with five others by his side. They're definitely trained fighters too. I'm not going to be able to beat them, not even close if I'm alone.

"Nice to see you again." He sneers at me. "We don't have time for the pleasantries today, so forgive me for not playing with you first. But don't worry.." he says while rubbing where I'd scratched his face last time, "We will have plenty of time for that later, pet."

I'm looking at each fighter, trying to stay as calm as possible so when they attack I'm in control. I don't see myself getting out of here easily.

"Don't bother, pet. I decided to bring more experienced fighters this time. And we don't have time for games since we only have a five minute window because your patrol is too close for my liking."

With that he signals his fighters with a wave of his hand.

"Go get her. Do as you please but she must live, bosses orders." And with that he snaps his fingers and they all charge around me.

They quickly have me circled, there is no way I can get away from them. I'm watching cautiously, hoping if I stall long enough patrol will arrive and they'll be caught of guard.

I thought of mind linking Derek but your eyes glaze over when you do, they'll rush me if they feel their times lessened. I have to stall.

"What do you want?" I finally ask him. "You came to our territory, not the other way around."

He chuckles at me for a few seconds. "Pet, I'm here because I feel like getting you back for what you did to my face and the others you killed."

He goes into thought for a moment. "The boss wants you because you're a Luna with spunk and he wants to give your àŕśè to the hunters so they can have fun torturing you and experiment on you. Even I feel a tiny bit bad but works work, pet."

He gives me a sinister laugh as my face morphs into what I imagine is horror at him telling me what they plan for me before I cover it up.

"Personally I'm angry that you killed those men last time, I trained them myself before we came here. That one kid you flung into a ďàmń tree showed a lot of promise too!" He yelled at me.

He must not know he's alive. My wolf thinks aloud to me.

We have to keep it that way. I say back. I can't let them take him back, he's been loving his new life and Evey would be crushed.

"Can't say I'm sorry sadly. You're pathetic! Look at you, trying to take a lone she-wolf with all this back up." I say with venom dropping from each word.

"Well last time you proved, you aren't just some lone she-wolf now are you?" He retorts back at me.

"We've had you watched for a while now. You sure as hell surprise most you run into, don't ya?"

"Yeah well maybe teach your stalkers better. I've felt them watching me all month." I inform him.

A flash of anger crosses his eyes but he quickly covers it. "I'll be sure to remind them." He sneers. "Like I said, you're full of surprises. Now, no more chatter. GET HER!" He yells to his fighters.


We can do this Mila. Concentrate! My wolf tells me, but even I hear the doubt in her voice.

I feel my anxiety and fear sky rocket as two fighters run at me together. The first one throws a punch at my face but I drop down to dodge it and throw my own punch at his stomache. He doubles over while the second guy kicks my side. Hard.

I feel the bruise forming already, they're strong! I need to pay attention.

He's about to punch me when I quickly slide to the side and round a kick into his head. While he's knocked to the floor a third comes running and tackles me to the ground. I feel the wind knocked out of me.

'Mila, baby are you ok? Why are you on edge?' Dereks voice suddenly echoes in my head.

Before I can quickly reply, I'm forced to block punches to my face. I quickly bring my knee up between his legs and hit him hard enough where he flops to the side, groaning in pain. Heal that!

Standing up ready for the next fighter, I'm suddenly looking at a fist coming straight for my face, hitting my cheek. I'm stumbling back to the ground after being caught off guard.

Fùćķ that hurt!

'Mila! Where are you?' Derek yells threw the link.

'6 tough rogues... second in command.... waterfall...' I try linking him back quickly but my concentration is wavering. The second comes over me and pulls me up by my collar

"You might be strong but we're stronger. Now we don't have time for this nonsense, so that dirty punch was needed." He hoists me over his shoulder before he starts walking with his fighters behind him.

'Baby please tell me what's going on.' I hear Derek again but I feel my consciousness slipping after the last hit I took.

'Got hit hard. Waited til patrol was further. Im sorry....' I try to say back. I can see black spots and vaguely hear people talking. We are moving faster now, running actually.

'I love you Derek' I say before the fighter I kneed walks up with a sadistic grin then punches me again.

I can feel blood from my mouth dripping as they run further away from those I love. I can't help feeling utterly useless in this moment. I really had no chance against these guys...

Darkness takes over a moment later and all I can do is hope patrol spots us or Derek magically appears.

Somehow I suspect I wont be that lucky though...

Shorter chapter.

Happy reading

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