Chapter Twenty Three - Routine

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After the ceremony, we spent the rest of the night walking around and miggling with everyone. A lot of pack members were just happy to have a Luna to complete their pack, I was pretty welcomed.

Some of the warriors I haven't sparred with joked of having to have their turn, which I said I'd happily do. And of course the few annoyed faces of those that wished to be Dereks.

Greg and Sam got along with everyone really well too. Sam had a few people question him but the pack has had rogues join before, so most were fine with him. Some even pitied that he'd never had a choice prior to this pack. Greg spent the night with Chris, feeling anxious that some might make smart àŕśè remarks but no one did as far as we know.

After the night was over, we were all exhausted and ready for bed. I think the night was a success for the most part and knowing most the pack likes me is a relief. Alpha and Luna live to look after their pack, so if you all get along it's easier on everyone.


Laying next to Derek, listening to his even breathes and watching his chest rise and fall showing me he's asleep, I can't help feel like my life has taken the best steps forward.

I miss my little brother like crazy and I wish he could see me now. I hate that I'm alive and he isn't. But I know I can't change what's happened and the best thing I can do for him is live for both of us.

But as anyone who has suffered a loss knows, you sometimes have days that make you think of the possibities had they lived. Would he have a mate? Would he have kids? Become an uncle?

The list is endless and I've learnt that sometimes it's best to allow yourself to wallow and feel, before taking a deep breathe and keeping strong. I want to be stronger for everyone, but that's not possible if I never let myself feel upset for the love I'm missing either.

I didn't realize I'd started to cry until I felt Dereks thumb gently wipe my cheek, before pulling me closer to him. Having someone who could hold me together, I let the damn spill and cried into his chest for what felt like hours until I had slowed down to hiccups.

"What's the matter, love? Did something happen?" He asks after a few moments.

I try to clear my throat a bit before I reply to him. "Nothing happened." I croak out. "I just wish Rory could have been here. I miss him Derek, so fùćķìńģ much." I hiccup, while holding him tighter.

"I'm not going to pretend to know how you feel but I do know he'd be so incredibly proud of you, Mila." He says before tenderly kissing my head.

"I just wish he was here... It just gets overwhelming at times is all." I tell him honestly.

"Mila, I'd do anything to be able to give you even a moment with him again. But you're allowed to be overwhelmed sometimes, love. You're so strong, you meet challenges head on without hesitation and I've never seen you not give your all. You have no clue how incredibly proud I am to have you as my mate, so I'm sure he's looking down on you happy with who you have become." He says looking into my eyes the entire time.

I can see the intensity in his eyes showing he means every word. I don't know what I did to deserve him but he truely was made for me.

"I love you, Derek." I tell him for the first time. And I do, with all my heart. He's caring and loving, while he's always makes me smile or laugh. Not to mention the passion behind our bedroom door. It's impossible not to love him with everything you have.

He looks at me with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open, before his faces forms a huge smile.

"I love you too, Mila. With all my being." He says after the shock wore off.

We lay there in each other arms for a while longer before sleep takes over and we both fall asleep happy in each others arms.

It feels so great to finally tell him I love him, and to just be able to cry over Rory in his arms just made me love him more. It's strange to be able to feel so comfortable with someone when I feel so weak.


Over the next month, I developed some routine to my day again.

First I got up and have breakfast with everyone, which most days put me on top of the world because Trav would make most of the table laugh with his jokes or the boys would tell stories from their childhood.

Then I'd go train with everyone and happily spar with those who wanted to. I've learnt so much from this pack and can give as well as take hits a lot better. I have the odd person who thinks I'm all talk but I happily spar with them and we learn from it most times.

After that I go have lunch with Derek and talk about what we'd been up to so far. I tell him what I plan to do the rest of the day before we part ways and keep going.

I tend to spend the afternoon walking around talking to pack members. I found the orphanage after my first week and now I make it a point to see them every day. The kids are so full of life that you can't help feel their energy when you're there.

Afterwards I'll go for a walk to the bottom of the waterfall to enjoy some time to myself. It's so magical and peaceful in the clearing here that I doubt I could get sick of it. At some points over this month, I feel like someone is watching me but every time I look for them or try to sniff them out I can't find anyone.

Today as usual, I was enjoying the peace that came with this beautiful place when I got that feeling of being watched but with a smell that has some familiarity to it. After a month of this, I decided to try a different approach.

"It's rude to stare. Just come out from where your hiding and show yourself." I say loud enough to be heard by who ever is there.

I've thought about it over the last month, who could be watching me. At times there is a scent, other days there isn't one. I came to the conclusion that it's not the same person each time.  Sometimes it's rogues and others it's hunters.

I'm not stupid enough to keep it to myself either, I've told Derek who afterwards demanded I have an escort. It took a lot of convincing but this is the one place he agreed to leave me be alone but that when I'm here patrol is not far away.

I suddenly hear a twig snap and when I look over, I see someone I'd hoped not to have to see again.

The second in command rogue I'd scratched, but for the first time this month, he wasn't alone....


Happy reading

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