Chapter Thirteen - Interrogation

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Dereks POV

I ended up spending the night willing her to wake up, which didn't work. The doctor was nice enough to bring me dinner but I really didn't want to eat.

She explained Mila has a great healing rate since she's very healthy and fit, so she could wake up within even a day or two if we're lucky.

I really hope she does...


The next day Greg and Chris came back to see how Mila was going. Greg looks like he hasn't slept at all, bags under his eyes and hair like he's ran his hand through it a lot. It seems loke both of us have tortured ourselves about the situation.

'Is he alright?' I mind link Chris.

'He's getting there. He wishes he didn't leave her side. He's blaming himself for her being in here though.' Chris sighs back.

We're all sitting around watching her, looking pale and motionless in that ďàmń hospital bed.

My guilt morphed into anger towards those who did this to her. Since Greg's here, I decide I'm going to have a little chat to the newest visitor to my cells.

"Greg-" his head snaps up to me, "-I'm going to take Chris with me to run an errand. Can you stay here with Mila while we're gone?"

"Yeah. Yeah, of course I will!"

"If there are any changes, call the doctor back in and get her to mind link me."

He simply nods in response.

Hopefully staying here with her will ease his guilt... even if it's just a bit.


We get to the entrance of the cells when Chris stops me.

"Thanks for trying to make him feel better, man. No matter how much I tell him he did the right thing, it doesn't seem to sink in..."

I can see how it bothers him that his mate is torturing himself.

"I understand mate. I get how he's feeling. Hopefully watching over her now will help a bit."

He nods with a small smile before we greet the guards and head down into the cells.

Our cells are like an underground prison only smaller. We don't tend to have people there more then 6 months. Those who would be there longer are dealt with by the council of the supernatural world. If there offence warrants long term imprisonment but not worthy of death, they go there. But its not as common since a lot either do small offences or extreme enough to warrant death.

We walk down the concrete floor down to the second floor down. Where I see the rogue they put here yesterday sitting on the floor with a chain on his leg.

We use silver on the chains except the part that would touch their ankle. We don't want them breaking the chain but if it was held on the skin it would constantly burn.

I pull up a chair and sit inside the bars. He looks up at me looking defeated. "Why were you on my land?" I ask with authority.

He takes a breath debating his choices. "Our leader makes us go with him or gives us to hunters. He has some higher ups he'd never hand over, but most of us have to be useful or we're taken to hunters after failure."

I can't help but be shocked by his words as well as how easily he's talking...

What's he playing at...?

"Why are you being so honest?" I ask sternly.

He chuckles after looking at me. "I didn't think I'd just get left behind... five wolves on one she-wolf... should have been an easy win."

I growl when he talks about killing Mila.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just a bit pìśśèď off they ran off without grabbing me... The way I see it, I can try to help you or be a stupid wolf and get my heart ripped out... I choose to live if I can."

"Who were the two you came with and why would your leader give you to hunters?" I ask looking straight into his eyes.

He sighs deep in thought..."I am sorry about the wolf we ganged up on... it was a matter of do as commanded or be killed by the hunters he'd take me to. She's got good fight in her though, is she ok now?"

I'm angry thinking about the condition this group left her in.

"She's still unconscious but should wake up in the next day or two." I growl out. "Now answer my questions if you want to live afterwards." I growl, still angry at how my mates condition is.

He nods at me while readjusting his sitting position. "Our leader only wants rogues who will follow orders well and doesn't want weaklings. Recently he made a deal to a group of hunters, they don't attack his group of rogues but he brings those of us that fail him." He goes into thought for a second, as do I. Rogues and hunters working together can't be good...

"We were waiting until we knew patrol wouldn't be near by to get into the territory. The she-wolf was just unlucky to be the first wolf we spotted. I wasn't going for lethal hits during the fight, I suspect she knew it wasn't my intention since she killed the other two but not me... Our leader or second in command would be who did the last damage to her." I can see remorse in his eyes but I'm still not sure if I trust him.

"If I don't kill you, which to be clear depends on my mate waking up-" his head shoots up hearing she's my mate, "-would you want to join our pack or continue being a rogue?"

He looks me in the eye for a few seconds before replying "I'd want to be part of the pack. I've never had that option before. I was born a rogue, even being part of that group was power in numbers. I don't even know if my family are alive. I'm only 17 so I'd love to be able to have security and a mate one day..."

Just shows how rough rogue life is, he looks older. A few scars and dirty looking doesn't help.

"You will stay in here until my mate is awake. I think given she suffered the most, she can decide your fate."

He nods understanding.

Walking up to the top floor where we keep pack offenders, I see Alisha stand up as she spots me.

"Alpha, I've learnt my lesson. Please release me, I just wanted to know our Luna could protect us." She tries to plead.

"Alisha, we both know that's not why you attacked her. Be thankful she only put you here for a week in a cell with a bed and it's clean." I reply sternly in no mood for her ćŕàp.

She nods knowing seeing I'm not in the mood to argue. "Sorry, Alpha."


Walking towards the hospital again, Chris breaks the silence. "Do you think he's telling the truth about rogues and hunters?"

It's what we're both wondering...

"Yeah I do. He's just a kid, his life has been spent trying to survive as a rogue. So if they're being told they'll be given to hunters for failure, it explains the size of the group they travelled in and his willingness to talk."

Chris nods in agreement.

Once at the hospital we go straight to Milas room, only to see Greg asleep holding her hand with dry tears on his face.

Chris goes up to him and rests his hand on his shoulder. Greg shoots up looking around. "It's just us. Come on, lets go back to our room and get some rest." Greg only nods, leaning over to place a kiss on Milas temple. I chuckle in my head remember her laughing at me and Chris when we got possessive of them.

Looking at her I can see she looks better, the small cuts and bruises are gone and she has nice colour in her skin.

Once alone again I resume sitting with her holding her hand in mine.

Please wake up baby, I need you.


Grammar edited 13/10/17

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