Chapter Thirty Five - A Feel Good Day

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After finally being released from the hospital, Chris, Greg and I decided to head towards the cells while derek went to check the pack. I asked Chris who was part of the search party that got the clue to my location. After he explained who was there when spotting a rogue, I still had no idea which one could be the mate I suspected was Patricks. I'd never got the chance to meet most of them before sadly.

We get to Patricks cell and they instantly open it for me. I'm relieved to see for myself that he's alright and they have him on the level for pack members. He has fresh clothes and been given food while being here but the idea he couldn't leave kills me.

"Mila!" He jumps up, spotting me when I walk in.

We hug each other tightly, relieved for the reunion.

"Hey Patrick, I'm so sorry. If I knew-"

I'm cut off by him chuckling at me.

"It's ok. It's been like a hotel room. It could always be worse. Besides I heard you and your mate were in bad shape. I hope everything's ok now." He asks.

I give him a sad smile. "It will be. We're alive so it can only get better now, right?"

I turn to nod at Chris, who I told when I signal him to ask Sam to come to the cells but to wait outside.

"Well, no more cells. I'll have a room in the pack house set up for you if you'd like?" I ask with a smile on my face.

He nods shyly once he spotted Greg and Chris behind me. He seems to only be himself with those he's comfortable with. Though I can't really blame him after how the hunters treated the lower level rogues.

He's given shoes before we walk out of his cell and head for the exit. Once we're out in the open space, Patrick shuts his eyes and takes in a large breathe. He looks so at peace, not having to watch his back anymore. I walk a little bit away from him and just let him savour the moment.

Suddenly I'm engulfed into a hug and spinning around I see Sam with a big grin on his face.

"It's good to see you're ok, Mila." He whispers before pulling me back to hold my shoulders.

"Hey. Yeah, I'm ok. I thought you'd like to meet someone actually." I tell him chuckling once I regain my balance.

He has a confused look on his face but I hold my finger up signalling 'wait a sec'. I go to Patrick who seems to be in his own world still. Sams eyes are still on me before I spin Patrick around.

The moment their eyes meet, recognition flashes before they quickly close the distance and hold each other tight. They both have tears in their eyes when they do pull away, as do I at the happy scene I'm watching. They resume their hug for a few minutes longer while pulling back to check over each other.

"You weren't lying." Patrick cries as he hugs me. I hold him back just shaking my head no. Next thing I know, Sam is hugging us both too. He whispers thank you a few times over before we hear someone approaching.

"Babe, what did Chris need?" We see Evey heading towards us with a confused face as we all pull apart teary eyed. "Are you guys ok?" She suddenly runs over to check him.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'm just happy." She looks even more confused by this given his tears. "Evey, this is my brother Patrick. Patrick, this is Evey, my mate." He says with a big smile on his face.

Their faces both light up after hearing about the other. They shake hands and start talking about Sam and his quirky habits. He stands their with me watching them before he turns towards me.

"How'd you find him? They kept us apart after I joined with them." He asks with sorrow in his eyes.

"I'm fairly sure he was who the search party spotted. He got accused of being a traitor and thrown in the cell with me. He helped me when I was weak from my torture but was told he'd have the same fate if he turned out to be a traitor."

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