Chapter Nineteen - Completing the Process

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If the title and gif don't give it away.
Sex scene in this chapter.

Dave and I walk back to the party which is still going strong. We head over to Trav and Katy who give us sympathetic looks.

"I'm really sorry for earlier guys. We'll be back soon but just need to sort all of this out." I say feeling guilty for the outburst earlier.

Katy walks up and gives me a reassuring smile, "We understand. I think Alisha went into the lounge. Derek's in his study with Greg and Chris trying to calm him down."

I give her a grateful smile before we head inside to see Alisha just staring into space with tears soundlessly streaming down her cheeks.

I give Dave a look to hopefully ask 'you ready?' He nods while looking anxious.

I clear my throat to get her attention. She jumps a bit then turns to see Dave and I there together.

"You come to watch him reject me? Can't say I'd blame you.." she sighs, showing the only outcome she expects to take place.

"No, I haven't actually. Again, despite what you think I'm not a total bìťćh." I say clearly not entertaining her pity party.

She nods signalling me to elaborate why I'm there. "I'd like to properly introduce you to Alpha Dave, my old packs Alpha and my long time friend. Dave, this is Alisha." I say while nudging him gently.

"Hey..." He says looking anxious.

"Hello..." She trails off.

I clear my throat again. Do I have to do it all....

"O-Oh... I'm sorry for my behaviour earlier Alpha Dave." He nods before asking why she behaved like that. "Truth be told he was the first guy I loved and having not met my mate, I was kind of scared I never would." She says nervously, while looking from me to her mate. "Honestly when you came to our pack Mila my fear only increased. But to meet my mate how I did is mortifying and I'm so ashamed at how I've been. The moment I looked at you my feelings for Derek seemed to vanish but I managed to ruin that before it even had a chance, didn't I?" She chuckles a humourless laugh with the tears still flowing.

After a moment of thinking over her words, Dave finally speaks up. "Well it wasn't the nicest way to meet my mate... But had we been at my pack, perhaps the situation would have been reversed. Maybe we both have made mistakes and should just try starting fresh... would that be ok with you?" He asks sounding full of uncertainty and hope.

She looks up shocked then looks at me almost for my blessing. I give her a small smile and nod, to which she mouths 'thank you'.


I left Alisha and Dave to talk things over. As much as she sent me a bit bonkers, I also don't believe a stupid choice should condemn her to a life alone.

Going to the study, I knock before Greg opens the door. He gives me a sad smile before nodding in Dereks direction.

"He's a wreck sweety, he's convinced you're about to reject him." He whispers low enough for only me.

I nod in acknowledgement, before walking into the study properly. I see Chris trying to reassure Derek who has his head is sitting in his hands.

"I'd like to speak with my mate alone, please." I say in a tone that leaves no room for discussion.

Dereks head shoots up when he hears my voice and he stares straight into my eyes. Chris gets up, nodding his head and walks to Greg before they close the door behind them. Our eyes never leaving each others.

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