Chapter Fourteen - Waking Up

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I felt like I was in nothing but darkness for an unimaginable amount of time. I had no idea if I was safe or if I had been taken that day.

After what felt like forever, I start to hear voices. They start out hard to understand but I get bits and pieces.

"So sorry...... should have stayed.... bad friend..... forgive me...."

Remembering what happened I could only take a guess that it was Greg, he always tends to beat himself up...

I've spent a lot of this time with tingles on my hand but didn't really know what to make of it while I was out.

I need to wake up....

Every now and then I'd hear another voice, it sounds like Derek and most the time when I hear it I can feel the tingles.

"Please wake up, baby."

"You're safe now."

"I need you."

As hard as I try, I can't seem to wake up and I'm only able to hear snippets of what's being said.

I don't know how long It's been, surely not that long. I hear Derek back again and feel the tingles.

"Hey baby, you have to wake up. I miss you like crazy. Greg's looking awful and Chris is worried about all of us..."

I can hear the exhaustion in his voice. I need to wake up, this has gone on long enough! I try to open my eyes or move my hand, anything! I'm not sure if it's working until I hear Derek.

"Śhìť, Mila wake up baby! Come on... please"

I feel my wolf trying to help me wake up too, she wants to be with her mate.

Suddenly I get the feeling like I've just taken in a massive breath and I shoot up in the bed, looking around frantically. Unsure if I was dreaming or not, I try to take in my unfamiliar surroundings before my eyes land on who I'd hoped to find.

"Derek...." I breathe out. So happy just to see him again.

I start to feel joy and relief but it's not mine.

"Mila..." He breathes back. "You're awake..." A smile forms on his face as he engulfs me into a warm hug.

"You have no idea how missed you were." Derek says into my neck.

"I missed you too." Then I remember the rogues. "Wait! What happened!? I remember getting ready to take on that guy I scratched but then the leader flung me into a rock..." I rush out trying to remember it all, while bringing my hand to my head.

Derek shushes me before explaining everything to me.

"Well, we had Greg burst into my office explaining you were taking on 5 rogues and sent him for help. We raced there with warriors and they chased two rogues and two took the one you knocked out away. We took you here and the doc said you'd wake up when your body had healed. Because it was a pretty bad blow to your head it took a while... You've been out since Wednesday morning baby... It's Saturday night now..."

What? I was out for four days!

"Did you catch the two rogues? Is Greg ok? Are you ok? You look like you haven't slept. What happened to the other rogue? Can I get out of the hospital yet?" I race out like shots.

He chuckles watching my mind process it all.

"No, sadly the two got away. Greg is ok but been beating himself up, Chris says he's very isolated. I'm ok but haven't really left your side much. I spoke to the other rogue. He gave information but we'll talk about it at home. I need to ask the doctor about leaving."

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