Chapter Sixteen - Meeting His Family

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Walking out of the cells, I kept replaying everything over in my head. I hear Derek jog to catch up to me, since I'd been speed walking.

"Are you ok?" He asks whipe grabbing my arm, concern in his voice.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine... I guess I just always assumed he died... he's human after all, I just assumed he bled out but I guess not..." I say my thoughts out loud.

"What did you want to do?"

"I need to call Steve, he needs to know the guy's alive. My family needs to know..." I trail off.

I really don't know how to take all of this. I think I'm mainly in shock, but also can't help feel concerned.

We wont let him hurt our loved ones again. My wolf assures me, sensing my concern.

I couldn't agree more. I tell her.


We were almost back at the pack house when this brunette came bouncing up to us. She looks familiar but I just couldn't pick it.

"Hey there brother dear! I hear word your mates awake. Is this her? Hey, I'm Evey!" She seems to get our in one large breath. Also explains her familiar look.

"Umm... Hey, I'm Mila." I say hesitantly.

"Evey calm down, you're probably freaking her out. Yes this is my mate, she woke up yesterday. Mila, this is my little sister, Evey." He chuckles at the end.

"Nice to meet you." I say with a smile.

"You too! I heard you kicked that bìťćhèś arse the other day. Good job! She needed to be put in line." She growls out. I'm guessing they didn't get along.

"Haha yeah I guess so. Technically speaking, I was just defending myself." I reason.

She chuckles at my logic. "Oh before I forget, our parents want us all over for dinner to meet our new Luna here. They want you to come tomorrow night." She beams.

Derek groans, "Of course they do. I can't have a day free of drama..."

His sister looks at him with pity. And I can't help but ask. "Should I be worried?"

Evey gives me a look of pity while Derek sighs and explains his discomfort. "Our dad's ok, he was Alpha before me and is generally friendly but our mother is over bearing and a bit over protective... Just don't take anything too personal with her."

Well that doesn't help my poor nerves..

"Ok... So, I'm meeting your parents... let's go enjoy the rest of today." I conclude trying to give off confidence.

Evey and Derek nod in agreement before we all go back into our houses to get ready.


After showing, washing my hair and shaving. I brush my hair and dry it then get dressed into a white sun dress with flowers on it. (Pic below)

I put on some light make up to keep a natural look then put on some white heals.

I put on some light make up to keep a natural look then put on some white heals

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