Chapter One

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Hello Everyone! My name is Kate, and this is a time travel fic with Daryl and Jesus as the main characters. It shows both Daryl's and Jesus's POV. "Unglued" is originally posted on AO3.

(Other ships in this fic are: Rick and Michonne, Maggie and Glenn, and Arron and Eric. All are background ships.)

DISCLAIMER: Throughout this fic, I use prompts that I found on tumblr and other various websites. Some are direct quotes, and some are altered to better fit the story. I want to give these sites credit, and make it clear I am not stealing direct quotes.

A soft, light breeze caused the tree branches to sway in the wind. The leaves were beautiful colors of red, yellow, and orange. Everything was quiet. Everything felt right.

Daryl and Paul sat on their front porch, enjoying the peace and quiet. Negan had been captured and locked up months ago. Alexandria was no longer petrified with fear from the saviors. Everyone was finally able to take a much needed break.

Daryl and Paul had gotten together during the war, and had been inseparable ever since. They stayed together during many long nights, enjoying each other's presence. Both men had constant nightmares, but sleeping next to one another seemed to soothe their anxiety. Daryl often dreamed of Paul dying in battle, but waking up and seeing the man sleeping next to him, he would immediately calm down. The war had only made them closer, and many people envied their relationship. Though Paul was grateful for their relationship, he regretted not being able to meet Daryl earlier in life.

Paul turned to Daryl, and frowned. Daryl looked absolutely exhausted. His eyes kept drooping shut, and he looked as though he would fall asleep at any given moment. Paul touched his hand gently, and Daryl looked up with a start.

"I think we should probably go to bed." Paul said quietly.

Daryl grunted in response, and stood up. Paul shook his head in silent laughter. Yes, Daryl never was one for words.

The two men went inside, and slipped into bed a few minutes later. Paul was pretty sure that Daryl was asleep before his head even hit the pillow. He watched Daryl sleep with a look of adoration on his face for a few moments.

Paul eventually closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Daryl, feeling content. Hearing his partner's soft snores relaxed him. He sighed, and began to think.

What would his life be like if he had met Daryl before the apocalypse? Well, they probably would have never gotten together, that was for sure. But he wished that he had been given the chance to meet Daryl before the world had gone to hell.

With these thoughts in mind, Paul starting drifting off into sleep.

There was a low voice in his ear. It was deep and droning, incredibly soothing. Any normal person would fear that they were going insane if they suddenly heard voices talking to them, but the deep voice did not promote fear.

"What would you do, to have the chance to meet Daryl earlier in life?" The voice asked.

"Anything." Paul mumbled, half asleep.

"Really, you would do anything?" The voice inquired.

"Yes." He replied. "Anything."


Paul woke up to sunlight streaming in through the windows. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes, and stretched his arms above his head. What a strange dream he had last night. There was a voice, and then all these weird red lights...

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