Chapter Twenty Five

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Hello everyone!

So I've been getting a lot of comments lately that have been asking me to continue this fic.

I want to let you know that I will eventually finish it, though it may take awhile!

I would never abandon this fic though, so keep that in mind.

In the next few weeks I'll be having surgery, so don't worry if I drop off the face of the earth for a few weeks! I'll try to update as soon as possible, so don't lose hope!

On another note, this is a shorter chapter, but it's also extremely light hearted. Hope you get a laugh out of this one!

Thanks for reading!

Jesus woke up, his leg aching.

The sun was just now peaking out from below the horizon, and the snow around him appeared almost orange.

He wouldn't deny that it was beautiful.

Often times people forgot that there was still beauty in the world, even though it was falling apart.

Daryl snored on next to him, and Jesus smiled a little.

Though things between them where still a bit tense and awkward, they were definitely doing better than before, and that was all that mattered.

Despite his best efforts, Jesus wasn't able to ignore the painful throbbing in his leg.

He tried to go back to sleep, hoping he could sleep away some of the pain, but that clearly wasn't going to happen.

Denise had given him a few extra pain pills before he and Daryl had left Alexandra for this very reason, but Jesus hated taking the opioids. They made him groggy, too happy, and far too unaware.

It was dangerous to take them while on a run. Being unaware could kill you, after all.

He laid on the cold ground for a moment longer, before his resolve began to crumble.

Really, what could one pain pill do? Just one? He really, really needed it.

Jesus dug around his backpack for a moment, before pulling out a familiar bright, orange bottle.

He spilled out a pill into his hand, and tossed it into his mouth.

The pills were so tiny, he didn't even need water to wash them down. It was amazing, what such a small pill could do.

Daryl began to stir next to him, so he tossed the bottle back into his backpack, not wanting Daryl to worry about him.

"Good morning!" Paul greeted warmly.

Daryl sat up, hair sticking up, dark circles under his eyes, a fierce scowl on his face.

"Yes. What a perfectly wonderful morning." He began sarcastically. "I just slept on the freezing cold ground, and now I'm waking up at the ass-crack of dawn, next to chatty Kathy nonetheless, so what could possibly make this day better?"

He gave Jesus a fake, tense smile before rolling his eyes.

Alright then.

"Umm...yeah. So anyway, I was thinking we could stop at a gas station or something on the way back to Alexandria, so we don't come back empty handed. Sound good?"

"Yes. That sounds fantastic."

Jesus wasn't sure exactly what his problem was this morning, but he decided not to ask.

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