Chapter Twenty Seven

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"I pictured this place much.... bigger in my mind." Carol muttered, and Jenner laughed.

"It's not very grand, is it? Right this way then." He said, motioning for the group to follow him inside.

The group walked inside, and Jesus noted that the entrance was much like a hotel lobby.

"How are the lights still on?" Rick asked.

"We have a generator, for emergencies like this. I'm afraid I only have a few more weeks of power, though. That is why this test trail has to work. I don't have time to start over again." Jenner replied.

The group followed Jenner down a long hallway. He pushed open a door, and led them into a large room.

The room contained a lab, a computer room behind glass, and a large MRI scanner.

Jenner pointed to the MRI.

"I've been using that scanner to examine the walkers. I strapped them down, and ran them through the scanner. Let me show you all the results."

The group followed him to the computer lab, and Jenner pulled up a few images.

"This is a non infected, human brain. You see all the dark circles? Those indicate normal brain activity. Now, here's a scan with an infected brain."

The group gasped as the images came up. The entire brain was covered in shimmering red spots.

"And... well, you can obviously see the difference...." Jenner muttered. "So here's what I would like to do. I would like to scan you all, take a few blood samples. Take notes on you all. I want to be very specific with my notes. Who knows? In a few years, people may need to study them."

"So, just like our medical history?" Glenn asked.

Jenner nodded.

"Yes, that's all. The rest of you can wait in the lobby. I'll pull you into the lab one by one. The scan should take about a half an hour, then another half an hour for the blood work and questions. Sound good?"

The group muttered their confirmation.

"Good. I'll see Rick and Carol first. Rick, I'll scan you while I'm talking to Carol. Please come with me."

Rick followed Jenner, while everyone but Carol left and went to the lobby.

Once Rick was in the scanner, Jenner entered the lab once more.

"Okay. I want you to tell me anything I should know. Age, hight, weight, any previous medical conditions."

"I'm 41 years old. 5"6, 115 pounds. I previously had stage one breast cancer, but it was treated, and cured. I gave birth to my daughter Sophia 10 years ago, Via C Section. "

Jenner nodded slowly.

"Do you know your blood type? If not, that's okay. I'm drawing blood anyway."

"O negative."

"Mm. Very rare."


"Alright. I'll draw your blood, look at the results, and then you'll get a scan a be done."


It went on like this for some time, until the last two people who remained were Daryl and Jesus.

Daryl was being scanned, while Jesus was being questioned.

"Age, height, weight, any previous medical history I should know."

"30. 5"8, and 130 pounds. I was in a minor car accident when I was 8, and a few nerves were damaged. I don't have much feeling in my right calf anymore."

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