Chapter Twelve

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Daryl was running through the woods in a blind panic. His father was chasing him, a knife in hand. Daryl's shirt caught on a branch, forcing him to rip it off over his head. He continued running, his scars visible for the world to see.

His father was screaming,

"How could you do this to me, Daryl? I raised you to be a man!"

Blood started falling from the sky. It dripped down Daryl's body, sticky and dark red. It filled his mouth. He started choking. He couldn't breathe.

The sky turned black, and gravestones came from the ground. He ran on, tripping over graves and corpses.

He ran until he saw an open space in the middle of the woods. There were no trees, nothing. He ran to the clearing, and Jesus appeared. Stone Walls began to close around the clearing, threatening to suffocate them both.

Daryl could hear his father screaming from the other side of the wall.

"I'll kill you!" His father threatened, his voice cracking and raw.

A flame appeared next to Daryl, and smoke filled his lungs. He picked up the flame and threw it. An explosion shook the ground, fire engulfed his vision. He coughed and pulled Jesus closer to him. Jesus stared blankly as the world caught fire.
Daryl had set fire to the world around him, but he didn't let one flame touch Paul.

The flames danced over Daryl's skin, leaving new marks and scars. It was hot, so very hot, and Jesus felt so cold. It felt like he was burning and freezing all at once.

"He is your opposite, his strength to your weakness. The world around you will burn, and only he can stop it." A voice whispered.

Jesus was screaming, and Daryl was frozen. He couldn't move, couldn't speak.

He watched as Jesus fell limp to the ground. His body turned black, and started melting into the earth. The fire died, and he stood in the middle of the woods once more.

A terrible screeching filled his ears.
Jesus walked towards him, now a walker, a corpse, rotting away.

"You killed me!" Jesus was screaming. "YOU KILLED ME."

Daryl's eyes went wide, and he backed away.

Jesus's large blue eyes were now completely black. The wind whirled around him. A music box appeared, playing carnival music as Jesus continued to shriek.

Jesus was the ghost haunting his dreams, with his sad song and murderous eyes.

"I had to kill you" Daryl whispered.
"I had to kill you, because you're killing me."

Daryl woke up to someone shaking him roughly.

"Daryl! Wake up!" Paul whispered frantically.

Daryl's heart was pounding. He was drenched in sweat. He pushed Paul away, his hands shaking.

Daryl was breathing heavily. Jesus reached out a hand, looking worried.

"Don't." Daryl rasped.

Paul retreated back to his own bed, knowing he would not be able forget what Daryl had said in his sleep.


The sun began to stream through Jesus's bedroom window. Daryl had fallen back asleep after an hour of tossing and turning. Jesus however, was not so lucky. He rubbed his bleary eyes, feeling sluggish and groggy.

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