Chapter Sixteen

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WARNING: I did decide to add a trigger warning to this chapter. It contains material that some readers may find disturbing. If you wish to skip it, I have marked the beginning and end of the trigger warning.

Thanks for reading!

Daryl struggled to lift a crate of ammunition onto the storage shelves.

Paul watched him, amused.

"Need some help there?"

"No." He growled.

He was in a particularly bad mood this morning. His dreams had been filled with memories of his past. He began to think about things he hoped he'd never have to think about again. Things about Merle. Things about his father.

Paul stepped forward and gently took the box from him.

"Let me help. You're exhausted. You've been working all day."

Daryl scowled.

"When will you realize I don't want your help!" He snarled.

Paul's eyes widened a little. He set the box down on the shelf and reached towards Daryl.

"I'm just trying-" he began.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Daryl snapped.

Paul's hand fell to his side, his eyes filled with hurt.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly.

Daryl couldn't take it anymore. The eyes. The touch. The concern. The dreams. The memories.

"What's wrong? The fact that you can't take a fucking hint and leave me alone!" Daryl bit.

Jesus dropped his eyes to the floor.

"You're right, Daryl. I'm sorry." He murmured, walking out of the storage room.

They avoided each other the rest of the day, and when they did happen to run into each other, there was nothing but tense silence.


"I want to leave."

"What? You just got back!" Rick protested.

Jesus frowned.

"I don't mean as a run. I want to leave. I can't stay here anymore. "

"You know I can't stop you from leaving." Rick replied, looking weary.

"I know. But I'd rather have your blessing and whatnot." Jesus said with a small smile.

"Can I ask why you're leaving?" Rick asked, curiously.

Jesus sighed.

"I need some time. I'm sick of being stuck here. I just... need to leave." He explained.

"Are you coming back? We could really use you here. "

Jesus looked solemn. His usually bright blue eyes were now a faded grey.

"I don't know. I just need to go."

Rick ran a hand through his hair. Jesus thought could see a few strands of grey mixed in.

"I'm not stopping you."


Daryl woke up to an empty room. It wasn't all that unusual, Paul was usually an early riser. He still wasn't sure how Paul managed to be so bright and cheery almost every morning. The man barely slept, for fucks sake. He would often slip into bed long after Daryl had, and wake up in the early hours of the morning. It was kind of infuriating, really. How could you have so much energy from so little sleep?

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