Chapter Ten

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It was snowing. Hard. Winter had finally come, and now the group was stuck in the church. Rick had lived in Georgia his whole life, and he had never seen it snow like this. They usually only got an inch or two at most. So when the group got snowed in, everyone was feeling kind of bitter. Out of all the times this could have happened, it was happening NOW? They would be stuck here a few more days, and none of them really had any experience with snow. At least there was a fireplace in the back of the church, and they had enough supplies to live comfortably for the next few days.

When Daryl learned he wasn't allowed to go hunting for the next few days, he became very irritable, and everyone tried to avoid him. He sat in the corner, scowling at anyone who tried to talk to him, while sharpening a knife. Even Jesus left him alone, knowing how he was while in one of his moods.

Jesus usually hated sitting in one place for a long time, but he didn't really mind today. His wrist was killing him, and he was glad for the excuse to rest.
Rick and Michonne were arguing over something, Jesus wasn't sure of what. It sounded like they were fighting over a protein bar, and he groaned.

"I'm too sober for this shit." Daryl mumbled, from across the church.

Jesus had to agree. Being stuck here with everyone was kind of miserable, even if he enjoyed relaxing. Father Gabriel certainly wasn't helping either. He knelt in front of a cross, beginning for forgiveness for everyone's sins.

Beth sat in a pew by herself, and Jesus decided to join her. He sat down next to her quietly.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Better, now that you're here. Im awfully bored." She said, frowning slightly.

Jesus let out a small sigh.

"I'm getting sick of all this gloom and doom. Can't people just be happy? Can't things go our way for once?"

"Things could be worse." She replied with a shrug.

Yes, he supposed they could. If there's one thing he learned, it was that life could always get worse.

Beth leaned against him.

"Tell me a story." She said.

Jesus laughed a little.

"okay.... let me think for a minute.... oh! I have a good one." He began.

"One day, when I was in college, I was really craving some Taco Bell. So I took my best friend Rose with me. We walked there, ordered our food, and started to sit down to eat. When I opened my bag, I had the wrong order. I don't know why, but I got really mad, and started throwing burritos at the person working the register. I guess I was just really hungry and in a bad mood. That's the story of how I got banned from Taco Bell."

Beth was laughing quietly.

"Are you banned from all Taco Bell's, or just that one?" She asked.

Jesus made a face.

"I don't know. That's a good question."

"Tell me another story." She demanded.

Carol, who had been listening to the first story, sat down on the floor in front of Jesus.

"Yeah, tell us some more stories. I have nothing else to do." She said with a smile.

"One time, I needed to go to the bank, and it was about to close. So I was running to the bank, and right when I opened the doors, a man wearing a mask screamed,


Yes. I walked into a fucking bank robbery. I had to stand there for ten minutes with my hands up, until the guy got his money and left. Then the police came, and I had to stay there for THREE HOURS while they questioned everyone. Long story short, don't go to the bank five minutes before they're about to close."

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