Chapter Twenty One

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Jesus paled.

"What?" He whispered.

Daryl let out a sigh and his head fell into his hands.

When he didn't answer, Jesus began to get irritated.

"Why are you afraid of me? Have I ever given you any reason to be afraid of me?" He demanded.

Daryl looked up at him.

"It's... not like that." He began wearily. "I don't know how to explain it, Paul."

"You're going to damn well try. You owe it to me."

"I don't owe you anything." Daryl hissed, eyes flashing.

The two men stared at each other, glaring and not breaking eye contact. Jesus felt his pulse quicken. How could Daryl say that? How could he be afraid? He didn't have a single god damn reason to be afraid.

"I don't understand you." Jesus muttered. "I really don't. I'm leaving."

Daryl watched him get up. He watched him walk to the front door. Fuck. He didn't want to do this. He didn't want Paul to leave.

"I'm afraid because... because you make me feel..... " Daryl said quietly, fiercely. "You make me feel. And sometimes I just want to stop."

Jesus paused, hand on the door knob.

He turned around and made eye contact with Daryl.

"If you hate it so fucking much, Daryl, then I'll leave. God forbid you actually feel something."

"I didn't mean-" Daryl started, but Jesus was already out the door.


Daryl paced around Alexandria. He passed kids playing in the snow, their mothers watching them through the kitchen window.

He didn't belong here. He didn't belong in a nice suburban neighborhood. He never did, and he never would.

He hated the walls around him. He hated how....normal it felt. He didn't deserve this.

Daryl kicked a chunk of ice across the road, and it hit Rick's foot.

Rick was busy talking to Michonne and Maggie. Ever since Deanna had died, Rick had been more or less the leader of Alexandria.

He glanced down as ice hit his boot, then looked at Daryl.

"Sorry." Daryl muttered.

Rick took in Daryl's miserable look, and frowned a little.

"Could I talk to you for a moment, Daryl?"

Daryl shrugged, and Rick took it as a yes.

He turned back to Michonne and Maggie.

"I'll be back in a minute."

He led Daryl a few feet away from them, before leaning in close to whisper,

"What's wrong?"

Daryl scowled.

"Why do you think something's wrong?"

"Because I can tell. You look like you want to murder someone. I think you're scaring the children." Rick gave him a small smile, trying to lighten the mood.

Daryl looked at the ground and kicked another chunk of ice.


"Spill it." Rick ordered.

Daryl groaned.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Rick crossed his arms, and gave him a look that said, "I could wait here all Day."

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