Chapter Nine

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"Okay everyone. Here's the plan. Glenn, Jesus and I will go on a run together. Daryl and T-dog will go hunting. Hershel and Carol will stay with Michonne, to make sure she's okay. Beth, and Maggie. If you two feel comfortable going out, we really need supplies." Rick said, standing in front of the church.

Jesus frowned a little. He wasn't sure he'd be much of a help, with his broken wrist and all.

"We'll go out, if you give us a gun and a knife." Maggie announced, much to Hershel's dismay.

Father Gabriel stood in the corner, looking uneasy. He had given the group some food. Apparently, there had been a canned food drive a few days before the walkers took over, and he had been living off of that. He hadn't gone outside yet at all, and he was absolutely terrified.

The rest of the group agreed to the plans, and Rick, Glenn, and Jesus all left. Sadly, they had no cars, so they'd have to wait until they could find one. Until then, they'd go on foot.


They walked through the woods, talking quietly. The men were all uneasy, considering they lacked weapons. They were as quiet as they could be, trying not to attract the attention of the walkers. If they happened to run into a heard of them, they'd probably be dead.

"I have an idea!!" Jesus suddenly announced.

Rick glanced at him, waiting for him to elaborate.

"We're looking for a place to stay, right? More permanent than the church? Well, remember when those people took Carol and Daryl and I? Most of them were killed at that place Terminus! So it's pretty much empty. And Daryl and I met this guy, Andrew. He'd might let us stay. It's a big building, already cleared out. It's our best chance." Jesus said excitedly.

Rick gave a short nod.

"Good thinking. We'll look into it." He said.

They walked in silence for awhile.

Glenn looked nervous. He chewed on his lip for a minute, before turning to look at Rick.

"Can I ask you something?" He said, still unsure of himself.

Rick nodded.

"Go ahead."

"Well...I wanted to ask how you met Lori. How did you guys end up dating? Because, I really like Someone. Well, Maggie actually.But I'm not sure she feels the same..." he trailed off.

"Me too!" Jesus exclaimed.
"I like someone, but I'm not sure how to tell them..."

Rick tried to hide his laughter by coughing. These two had it bad.

"You guys really shouldn't ask me for relationship advice. Lori and I ended up together after a one night stand. I was at a bar, we were both drunk, and it just kind of happened. A few weeks later she told me she was pregnant. And well, I felt bad. So I married her, and we had Carl." He finished.

"That's all I have to do? Sleep with her?" Glenn exclaimed.

Rick snorted.

"I'm not saying that."

"Did you love her?" Jesus asked Rick, somewhat hesitantly. He wasn't sure if that was crossing the line.

Rick looked thoughtful.

"At times, I think." He responded.
"But she cheated on me, and I really didn't care. Yeah, she was my friend. I was upset when she died. But I don't think that's love."

"I don't think I really know what love means, anymore." Glenn said.

"I think it means, that you're making a commitment. If you love someone in this new world, you have to be willing to give your life. Because you'll probably have to at some point. To love them unconditionally, because you're both going to snap at each other at times. Now more than ever. You have to know how to work together. Know their strengths and weaknesses, and how they compliment yours. That's what love means." Jesus said.

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