Chapter 2

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I pulled up to my dad's house, wanting to make my visit as quick as possible. I ran up to the door and rang the door bell. Clarissa answered the door, looking me up and down before smiling fakely, "Hey, gorgeous! How are you!" she emphasized called me 'gorgeous' in a way that made me know that she blatantly didn't think I was gorgeous- but I couldn't care less. "Good thanks, you?" I asked bluntly, stiffening as she gave me a hug. "I'm gooood thank you!" she replied. Ugh, even the way she talks pisses me right off. "Why? Because dad's paid for your new boobs?" I muttered sarcastically. She looked at me confused, "Huh?" I looked at her and smiled sweetly, "Oh, nothing don't worry. I was just thinking out-loud," I said, smiling.

I stepped into the house, which over-poweringly smelt of roses, Clarissa's "faaaavvourite", which I had grown to hate. My dad walked round the corner, coming out of the kitchen, "Baby, the kids are upstairs asleep and-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence," I said sternly. My dad turned bright red, "Uh, it was a joke!" I sarcastically smiled, "That's nice.. now, I'm off to Uni. I'll see you guys soon and try to visit whenever I can, which might not be very often because of studying and shit." My dad nodded slowly, "Oh, okay. Well, good luck, princess. Hope to see you soon." He replied as he hugged me. I hugged him tight, although I was still pissed about him marrying Clarissa, I still loved him and would genuinely miss him. "Right, I'd better be off. I'll see you soon! Bye." And with that, I walked back out to my car and got in, turning the radio up loud as I set off, on my way to my new life.

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