Chapter 9

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When I woke up, it was about 11. It was the morning that I received a call from my mother. I squirmed out of Ash's grip whilst he was still asleep and sat up, squinting at my phone. I answered the call and put the phone to my ear, "Hello?" I must have sounded absolutely knackered. "Hey, Lils! Are you okay? You sound absolutely shattered! Are you in a lecture? Should you be at one? Are you going to be late? Shall I go?" she started jabbering. I could tell she had something to tell me, "I am shattered Mum! And no, I am not in a lecture and no, I shouldn't be in one and no, I'm not going to be late, my last revision lecture is at 1, and my exam is at 3." I took a deep breath. "Oh! Good luck with your exam! I hope it all goes amazing for you, as I'm sure it will. But, honey I have some news for you," she said, only just managing to contain her excitement. "Oh, God. You're not pregnant are you?" I said sarcastically, laughing. "No! I've met somebody though!" she said. I hesitated for a minute, wondering what her new 'man' would be like. Would I dislike him as much as I disliked Clarissa?

"Oh, that's great! What's he like?" I replied. Suddenly, I felt Ashton shift under the covers next to me, his head popping up. I smiled down and him and laughed quietly, looking at his bed hair. "Who are you talking to?" he mumbled, nuzzling into my waist and wrapping his arms around it. "He's great! He-... Who's that?" she asked. I hesitated for a minute, "Oh, just my room mate, mum. So, come on tell me about him!" She sighed, "Oh, he's amazing! He's a doctor! Oh, Lils he's gorgeous! I reckon you'd really like him." I smiled at how happy my mum sounded, it had been a while. "I'm so glad that you're happy, mum. It's been a while and you really deserve someone that treats you right," I replied.

"So, do you have a boyfriend then, Lily?" my mum asked me. I laughed and Ash nudged me, nodding. "Uh, yeah I guess I do," I replied, Ash's hand travelled up the back of my shirt and tickled my back as I played with his bed hair. "Oh! What's his name? What's he like? Is he in any of your classes? What did he take? What is he studying? Is he nice? Is he your room mate?!" my mum could barely get her words out fast enough. "Well, his name is Ash. He's amazing and he's gorgeous," I said to my mum whilst looking at Ashton smirking, "he isn't in any of my classes and he is doing like music studies, he plays the drums. and he's just great anndd..." I didn't really want to tell her that he was my room mate, but I thought I may as well, "he is my room mate, yeah." I waited for her to reply but for a few seconds she didn't. "That... that's amazing. I'm so happy for you," she started crying. "Mum! Don't cryyyyy. Look, we're coming down this weekend, so you can meet him, okay?" I told her. I hadn't actually planned on her meeting Ash anytime soon, but it just came to my mind.

Ashton's head popped up and furrowed his brows at me and mouthed 'what'? I kind of shrugged and held the phone away from my mouth for a minute and whispered to him, "Are you okay with that? Sorry it was kind of random, I just. I don't know, if you don't want to, I can say you're ill?" He laughed softly and shook his head, "No it's fine, I'm up for meeting your mum." and he winked.

"That sounds great! Well, I'll leave you to it then. I'll see you this weekend!" mum said before she hung up. I placed my phone back on the bedside table and snuggled back down next to Ash under the covers. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck, "Do you think your mum will like me?" he laughed, rubbing his nose on mine. I kissed his nose, "I think so. But you know what? If she doesn't like you, it's going to have to be her problem. Because I'm not changing my opinion of you." He hugged my waist even tighter and brought me closer to him, putting his forehead on mine, "You're beautiful. You know that?" he said. I laughed and shook my head, "No. I am not. You are beautiful, Ashton Irwin." He shook his head, "Ashton Fletcher Irwin, actually. Pft, get it right!" he said. I smiled at his name, "Fletcher Irwin, awh that's so cuteeee!" He scrunched up his nose and pouted, "No. I am not cute. I am punk rock." I couldn't help but laugh at him, "Honey, you wear pony shirts!"

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