Chapter 21

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The Eiffel tower was absolutely amazing! Me and Ashton took so many photos and surprisingly, it wasn't anywhere near as busy as we thought it would be. We took our time and walked around slowly. It was actually quite cute and really fun.

Over the next few days, we did quite a few things:

We went to the Louvre, but neither of us were then enamoured with it;

We went to loads of shops and cafés and bought loads;

We also went to Disneyland for a day, which was really fun;

We went to loads of fair grounds as well- which were all massive!

It was our last night in Paris, before we had to leave the next day, and there was one more thing that I wanted to do. "Have you done everything you wanted to do, then?" Ash asked, as we watched TV in our hotel, on the bed together. I sighed, "Uh, well there was one thing I wanted to do, but it doesn't really matter," I replied, nonchalantly, picking my nail varnish off.

He looked down and me, "What was it that you wanted to do?"

"I wanted to go on the bridge over the Seine at night."

"Is that all? Nothing else?" he asked.

"Well, I know it probably sounds really cringey and soppy, but people, like couples, put locks on the bridge. They write their names on it, attach it to the fencing and throw the key in the river. It sounds really cheesy, but I guess I kind of liked the idea..." I replied.

He kissed my hair, smiling into it, "Let's do it. That sounds amazing," he replied.

I looked up at him, "You really think so?" He nodded, getting up off the bed before pulling me up after him. "Come on, get your shoes and coat on."

I threw my coat on fast and tugged on my Converse. Ash took my hand as we walked out of the hotel, "You excited?" he asked, I nodded 'yes'. Our hotel was about 20 minutes walk away from the bridge, so in the dusk, we followed the signs and found ourselves at the bridge, overlooking the black water. "Wait," Ashton said, "we don't have a lock."

I thrust my hand in my pocket and brandished a lock. "I brought it, just in case we came here." He smirked, "Always prepared."

"I know right, I got a marker as well, to write our names on. How good am I?" I asked laughing. He kissed my forehead, bringing me closer to him, "Very good." 

We wrote each other's name on the lock, I very successfully managed to write 'Ashton Fletcher Irwin' for Ash, which I laughed at myself for doing so. We both put the lock on the bridge fence and held the key over the side. "Ready to let go of it?" he asked me, both of our hands holding the key together." "Yeah," I replied.



"1..." we both said as well let the key go, and watched it drop into the dark water. Ash kissed me deeply as we stood on the bridge. "You cold?" he asked.

I shook my head, "No, I'm fine. But if you are, we can go back?"

"No, I'm fine," he replied, putting his arms around me.

"I love you, Lily," Ashton said all of a sudden as we stood on the bridge in silence. I looked up at him, he was looking straight ahead, the moon reflecting in his eyes. "I love you too, Ashton Fletcher Irwin," I replied. "Be mine forever?" he asked, turning to me and looking into my eyes.

"Forever," I replied, he craned his head down so that he could place his forehead against mine, our noses just touching, he kissed me and said,


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