Chapter 16

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"So, where are you taking me for our romantic meal?" Ashton asked me as I was driving.

"You'll have to wait and find out, won't you?" I replied laughing. He pouted and sighed, sliding further down into his seat. "How's your lip?" I asked, still feeling pretty guilty. He sat up and pulled the sun visor down, and examined his lip in the small mirror, "Looks worse than it feels. It doesn't really hurt anymore. But it stings a little."

I nodded slowly, Okay."

I pulled up to the McDonald's drive through and grinned at him. "Oh! So this is our romantic meal?" he asked laughing. I nodded, "Is it to your liking, sir?" I asked him. He raised an eyebrow, looking around at the drive through, nodding slowly he said, "Yes. Why, yes it is! Absolutely spiffing!" he replied with an over-exaggerated English accent.

We both ordered our food and when it was brought to us, I decided to drive somewhere else to eat. "Where we going?" Ash asked, clinging onto his Big Mac. I didn't reply for a minute as I was trying to remember the route to where I was trying to go. "Uh," I replied, too busy focusing on the road, "just this place, it's really cool." He smiled and nodded.

Right, so where was I driving to? Well, there was this place that I used to drive to a few years ago when I just felt like going somewhere. It was like on a cliff, over-looking the whole of the city. It looks stunning, especially at night when you could see the stars and all the city lights. It is a lot like the classic 'make-out' spots 50s American Teen kind of place. Know the type of place I mean?

Well anyway. When we got there, it was so peaceful. I parked up and opened the door, grabbing my food. "You coming?" I asked Ash. He looked me for a minute, looking quite puzzled, "Um..where to? If your idea is to push me off the edge, I'm staying in the car!" he replied. I rolled my eyes at him, "To come sit on the bonnet or the roof whatever." He slowly nodded at me, "Ohhh, right!" He got out of the car and clambered up onto the bonnet, and sat next to me, our legs out-stretched.

After we ate, we just sat there, looking up at the sky. "This is nice, isn't it?" Ash asked. I looked over at him, "Are you being sarcastic?" I asked.

"No. Being serious. It's just so calm here. So simple and easy, no worries. It's the simple things like this that just make me happy," he said, "as well as you of course." He winked at me and put his arm around me. We sat there for about an hour, not saying anything, just simply sat there enjoying each other's company.

Soon, we got talking about things just in general. "So, would you rather eat a gallon of mayonnaise or... drink a BBQ sauce milkshake?"

"BBQ milkshake. Hate mayonnaise."

"Oh, same. I think that would be nice though- a BBQ sauce milkshake?"

"Ew, Ash no way. Okay so, would you rather eat chocolate- flavoured poop, or poop-flavoured chocolate?"

"What kind of question is that?!"

"I don't know I read it somewhere."

"Oh. I'd probably go with chocolate-flavoured poop to be honest. What about you?"

"Eurgh no way! Because you'd actually be eat poop. I'd rather eat poop-flavoured chocolate. Because although it would taste of poop, it wouldn't actually be poop!"

I watched as Ashton's face turn into a face of disgust, "Oh GOD! I change my mind I change my mind!" I laughed at him. "So would you rather be able to run at 100MPH or fly at 10MPH?" he asked me. It took me a while to answer. "I'd probably have to say run. Because you'd be famous and could win the Olympics!"

He nodded slowly, "Good point, but I'd probably pick fly because I'd be like superman."

"Oh wow."

"I know right."

"Would you rather have a dragon, or be a dragon?" I asked him. His eyes widened as though he was a little kid, "Have one! That would be so cool. Can we get one please?" he asked.

I laughed, "I'm afraid dragons aren't real! But I'd definitely rather have one."

We eventually got back into the car to drive back to out dorms when Ash said, "I don't really want to go home just yet. I want to do something else, but I don't know what," he said. I thought about it for a moment. And thinking about it- I didn't want to go home either. "But what are we going to do?" I asked. He hesitated. The holidays are coming up in a couple days. Why don't we go somewhere?" he asked. But where would we go...? "Where? Don't forget I have to see my mum this weekend, well tomorrow! So we could go after we see her?" I replied. I needed to see mum, I knew she'd been missing me and to be honest, I'd missed her too.

"Okay. Well, where do you want to go? We can go to Paris, London, Italy, America! Wherever you want. There's always last minute seats on flights," Ash seemed as though he really wanted to go somewhere. "Yeah okay. Let's do it. Paris sounds amazing." He smiled and nodded at me, "Paris it is."

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