24- I'm Going to Kill You.

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***HANES'S P.O.V***

Hanes holds his breath as Jay moves underneath Sam. The jerk is sleeping on his back in his bed, his arms bent and positioned behind his head as if he is seated on a beach chair, tanning. Even when he sleeps, he looks like a stuck-up snob.

Sam is hovering over him, a pen in his hand. His fingers move above the boy's lips, drawing nothing other than a mustache on his skin. The black markings Sam leaves behind when he moves away are so noticeable and uneven that Hanes has to try extra hard not to burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

Sam's goofy grin plastered over his expression doesn't help, so Hanes accidentally lets out a peep of a chuckle.

That's all it takes to awaken Jay, because he arouses from his rest and opens his piercing green eyes. He breathes in heavily, sitting up and letting an expression of utter confusion reside on his face as he takes in the looks of the twins.

Hanes is seated on the other bed in the room, his feet dangling comfortably off, but Sam on the other hand is towering beside Jay's bed, hiding a pen behind his back. Both of the twins wear smug smiles on their lips, and Hanes can't keep laughter from escaping his lips.

"What? Why are you laughing?" His eyes become stuck like glue to Sam. "What did you do?"

He tears the sheets off of him, searching his body for anything out of place. When he finds nothing, but still sees that Sam and Hanes are laughing, he runs into the bathroom and flicks the light on. Hanes hops off the bed, following him to the door, only to watch as Jay yells, "Oh, fuck."

Sam steps beside Hanes to watch too, and gets to see when Jay begins splashing water on his face, attempting to wipe the mustache off. When it doesn't work, though, Hanes's stomach drops, and he steals a glance at Sam.

Sam looks just as clueless as Hanes, his hazel eyes widening. Jay surges over to them, snatching up Sam's wrist to look at the pen they used, but when the object catches the bathroom light, they all notice it's not a pen, but a permanent marker.

"Oh... Shit..." Sam's surprised voice echoes in the room. "My bad. It's permanent."

"You jackasses." Jay mumbles, grabbing the pen, and chucking it across the room. "How am I supposed to get this off?"

"It'll come off, with time." Hanes attempts to assure him, but fails and receives an annoyed glare.

   Jay slams the bathroom door shut, the lock clicking into place seconds later. The only sound after that is the sound of water running. Jay is probably scrubbing at the permanent marker drawing that displays an unrealistic mustache on his skin, but he isn't going to have any luck. Sam has done the exact same thing to Hanes before, and he had to wear it an entire day before the marks had begun to fade.

   Sam's phone dings, and when his brother gazes at his phone, he immediately smiles. Hanes's curiosity grows with every passing second that Sam doesn't say anything about the notification he just got and why it is making him smile, so he asks, "Who's that?"

   Sam glances up, his light eyes narrowing. "Hmm?"

   "Who texted you?" Hanes queries, already hurt that Sam hasn't told him already.

   Sam shrugs. "Nobody..." Then, he heads toward the hotel door. "I'll be back."

   "We're supposed to leave at ten to go to that museum Mr. Gaz was talking about..." Hanes mumbles, automatically wishing he wouldn't have asked Sam about the text because now he just feels ten times worse.

   "It's only eight." Sam remarks, grabbing the handle to the hotel's door, and then swinging it open. Sam spots his brother's sad expression, and frowns. "I'll be right back."

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