5- That Boy I Kissed.

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Elizabeth shuts her book, drops it on her blanketed lap, and grins as she closes her tired eyes. She finally finished her book, and it was purely amazing. The author did a wonderful job throughout the entire story and the ending was the best part. It couldn't have been any juicier, any more romantic, or any more perfect. It was just marvelous.

Elizabeth grudgingly flips the covers off of her and sets the book on her bookshelf, tucking the bookmark away by the book she wants to read next. Then, she checks the time on her phone and realizes it is already ten at night, and that she should get her clothes ready for tomorrow, the first day of school.

She moves to her closet, swings it open, and steps inside, her blue eyes scanning the shirts that are hung on hangers. When she doesn't find one she thinks is cute enough for the first day of school, she sighs and begins to flip through her stacks of jeans that are folded on a shelf below her hangers. After long minutes, she storms out of her closet and slams the door behind her.

She needs help. She has nothing cute to wear.

Elizabeth's feet carry her from her room, down the steps, out of the house, and onto the street. She crosses it, noticing the thousands of beautifully shining stars above, and makes her way over to Ruth's house. When she reaches the front door, she rings the doorbell and steps back.

Nobody comes at first, so Elizabeth turns and gazes out at the majestic night. The moon glimmers brighter than every star out there in the reflection of the sun. A few barely visible clouds skim through the sky, but not enough to block the starlight from reaching ground-level and sparkling in Elizabeth's blue eyes.

"Hey." Ruth speaks, whirling Elizabeth around.

Elizabeth grins at Ruth and replies. "Hey!"

Ruth wears her dark, red hair in a loose bun, strands falling every few centimeters. Her bright blue eyes pierce Elizabeth's gaze, her freckled face breaking into a warm grin. Clinging to her body, a dark green T-shirt sits, and holding onto her legs are black leggings.

"What's up?" Ruth questions casually.

"I need your help." Elizabeth replies. "I don't know what to wear tomorrow."

"Oh..." Ruth mumbles, and turns her head. She gazes at the neighboring house and says, "I think you've asked the wrong person." She gestures beside her. "Tess is more stylish than I am."

"Oh, okay." Elizabeth nods, peering into Ruth's eyes curiously. It's only now that she notices the dark rings engraved under her eyes and the way her smile looks slightly fake. "I'm sure you can help me, though. Right?"

Ruth hesitates, meeting her gaze. "Tess is better at it."

"Okay..." Elizabeth's eyes never leave Ruth's. "Ruth, are you okay?"

"What?" Ruth's eyes flash with an emotion Elizabeth can't pinpoint.

"You seem..." Elizabeth frowns, her heart climbing into her throat. "Different."

"I'm not wearing makeup." Ruth gently laughs, awkwardly crossing her arms over her chest. "Without makeup I look different, don't I?"

"Yeah." Elizabeth responds, not ready to give up on her investigation. "That's not it, though. Something's wrong."

Ruth's smile fades. She glances behind her, as if to make sure nobody is listening, and then she closes the front door, shutting them off from anyone's earshot inside.

"Yeah." Ruth grimly nods. "Something is wrong."

"Okay." Elizabeth's heart does a nosedive, right into her stomach. Her eyes search Ruth's gloomy ones for an answer, but she says, "You don't have to tell me what's wrong. Just know that I'm here for you."

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