48- His Idiot Self.

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RECAP: Asher and Elizabeth reunite, as well as Hanes and Ruth. Elizabeth and Asher discuss their relationship status, and then everyone goes to sleep.

***SAM'S P.O.V***

   Sam stares blankly at the hotel ceiling. Sunlight streams through the windows and creates shapes on the smooth surface. The rest of the room is dimly lit, but bright enough for Sam to be able to spy his snoring brother lying on the other bed; the bed Jay is supposed to sleep on.

   Sam breathes evenly, attempting to sort out all of his thoughts for the day that lies ahead.

   First of all, he never really cared that much for Jay. He'd rather the bastard be back in Tennessee, but he isn't. And after many unfortunate events he is now stuck all alone in a hospital room with stitches sewn across his abdomen.

And Sam feels pretty bad for the guy.


Well, he knows he cannot do anything to help Jay, so he needs to push what happened out of his mind.

And he also needs to push Natalie and her assumption of being pregnant out of his mind. Worrying about her being pregnant is something that will lead nowhere. He needs to wait it out with her and be there for her, not bite his nails all through the night and make matters worse for himself.

   He kept his calm in front of Natalie, but on the inside he has been panicking ever since hearing the news. Well, sort of. He's not ready for a kid. God, just hearing the word kid has his heart pounding roughly in his chest.

   He and Natalie are only Juniors. It would be messed up if Natalie has to drop out or even both of them. Natalie would have to take care of the baby and help her family with funds. She'd probably lose her mind.

Sam would have to get a job with less than a high school degree. Would have to explain to his parents that they are grandparents and explain to his siblings that they are an uncle and an aunt. He would have to do so much that he shouldn't have to at his age.

He should've used protection or waited until they got some. Maybe they shouldn't have even done it at all. That's what they are going to do from now on, Sam knows. That's what the two discussed after they left the elevator earlier in the night.

   They both shared how they felt and they both know that whatever happens they will work through it together. But for now the two are going to wait it out and be there for each other.

   "Sam." Sam jolts at the sound of his name being called and glances to his brother.

   "Hey." Sam replies, turning on his side to comfortably keep his gaze with his waking brother. "Good morning."

   "Good morning." Hanes repeats. Then, he sighs. "I had this crazy dream that Jay got stabbed and I got arrested."

   Sam shakes his head. "It wasn't a dream."

   "Shit." Hanes growls.

   "That's all you have to say?" Sam asks, perking an eyebrow.

   "Yep." Hanes blinks. "Shit."

Sam laughs. Then, he shrugs. "It could be a lot worse, if you think about it. He could've died... Or it could've been you or me."

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