Alpha Arden

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If you did not read the fine print in the first part of this book, please note the most important part right here.

When I wrote this book, I was young and stupid. I was only 13 when I first started writing and 14 when I finished the book. (I thought I was crazy talented, *gag* not.)

I hate this book with a passion, and I'd love to take it down, but I won't simply because so many people read it.

So please, refrain from putting hate comments and such. Just remember, I was a child who couldn't write worth crap when I wrote this.

You may continue;


13 year old me


(Nevaeh above 😋)

Chapter 1

Nevaeh's POV

I just wanted to have a normal day, for once in my life. So here I am, laying flat on my stomach on this laid out chair thing at the beach. 75 degree weather, wearing nothing but a dumb swim suit. Attempting to tan for cheerleading. (Sorry if you don't like cheer, personally, I'm not in it and I'll never be but this is how the story line is)

I arched my back for the thousandth time, letting out another small groan and tossing my blonde hair across my back. I was getting seriously too warm and my hair didn't help since it flowed down to my mid back.

"Would you stop that." My little sister, Addison, whined, clearly getting annoyed with my presence.

"Stop what? Breathing?" I allowed my smirk to quickly spread across my face. Her face turned into a scowl.

"That would be lovely."

My mom snapped her fingers.

"Girls please no fighting right now. Especially at the beach, in a public place."

The two of us sighed.

"Whatever." My sister grunted, and went back to playing with the sand. She's 12. And oh my goddess (and here it begins) that attitude of hers will be the death of me.

I closed my eyes and willed myself to soak in the heat coming from the sun, I was freezing cold. I was either too hot or too cold, there was no in between. My wolf, Akira, suddenly began thrashing around, whining, and howling at me to let her out.

Would you please calm down. I begged her, praying I would win her fight. She just whimpered at me.

By the way, I'm a werewolf. I first turned when I was only 7 years old, which is extremely young. Probably explains a ton about me, anyways soon after that I was kidnapped by these rogue wolves. They loved torturing me and I have multiple scars to prove it, but soon they let me go because I may or may not have killed their leader, I still have no idea how I killed him, and his son Reef was devastated. They were so busy in mourning their loss that it gave me time to run away, of course as soon as they noticed I was gone they came after me. Luckily I was smart enough to roll around in mud so my scent was lost.

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