Happily Ever After pt.2

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Happily Ever After
Part Two

Nevaeh's POV•

It's been a week since the Rogue King became the so called 'Alpha' of our pack. Even though that the pack members only really listen to Arden or I.

They grudgingly listen to him.

I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes, glancing at the clock that sat on the nightstand to my left. 3:47AM it read. With wide eyes I swung my legs off the bed and raced to the bathroom.

I'm so late.

I quickly jumped into the shower after stripping off my clothes and hurriedly washed myself, before jumping out and throwing on a basic outfit that I was assigned to.

It was just basic blue skinny jeans and a black long sleeve shirt that has a see-through satin on the back of it. Quickly I French braided my drenched hair and put on little makeup, just the basics of mascara, coverup, and eyeliner, before racing out the door.

I sprinted outside, and began my duties of scouting the perimeter.

"You're late."

I whirled around to become face to face with a She-wolf. A rogue. A smirk played on her face as she watched my facial expressions.

"Better tell the King about this. This just won't do." She snickered, turning away to walk towards the Kings house.

In response I growled and tackled her to the ground. My nails digging into her arms as I snarled my words.

"Don't you dare. You are pathetic, and I feel bad for you."

Before rolling off of her and continuing my route.

•Arden's POV•

I woke up at 6:49AM, and yawned. Before rolling out of bed and taking a quick shower. Unlike the King, I didn't like stinking.

I threw on a tight t-shirt and some jeans, running a hand through my hair, and trudging down the hallway toward the kids room. Arabella and Weston were fast asleep. Their little arms folded around each other and they seemed attached to the hip, as usual.

Gently, I shook them awake before propping Ara on my right hip and Wes on my left. They both snaked their arms around me and clung to me like little monkeys. With a yawn, I opened their door again and walked down the stairs.

When I reached the bottom I set the twins on the island and dug through the fridge for food, before pulling out some cubed fruit, with a satisfied nod I set the container of fruit on the counter and slid the twins into their high chairs. When I placed a small bowl of assorted cubes fruit in front of them, they went crazy and dove in, happily munching away on the fruit.

The front door opened then slammed shut and someone slipped to the ground, a thud being heard. With a small smile to the twins, I ran towards the living room. In front of the door lay Nevaeh, her eyes looking faded and dazed, her hair was still wet, the tips were frozen. She looked bruised too, her face was still healing from the cut and had a scar that would probably stay there forever.

"Hello love, are you hungry?" I asked softly and she slowly looked up at me. She had confusion written on her face.

"I cannot eat Arden.."

"What?! Why?!"

"I was late to work and as punishment I cannot eat for a week."

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