Angel With A Shotgun

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Chapter 27

I apologize for the feels in this chapter;-;

Arden's POV

My heart thrummed as my small mate was lifted onto a stretcher, about to be rushed to be Pack Doctor, Hugo. Her small frame lay limp in the huge wheeled bed. Her breathing went from hardly breathing at all, to erratic gasps. Through the Mind link, Hugo says it was just because her wolf didn't know how to comprehend with the wolfsbane laced silver bullets. All I knew was it made my heart shatter to see her like this.

"Get them out of her!" I shouted, my pleads going ignored as she was lifted into the pack ambulance, someone shoved me into the vehicle and we raced back to the pack, my Luna's life at stake.

"Please! Get them the hell out of her!" I roared as her body buckled, her breathing becoming erratic again.

No one flinched, someone stuck an IV in her arm, she had tubes going into her nose to keep her breathing steadier. Which pretty much seemed to be failing.

"GET THEM OUT OF HER BEFORE I DO IT MYSELF!" I bellowed, the whole vehicle silenced and everyone stared at me in awe except for the driver, who tensed up But kept his eyes on the road.

"Alpha please calm yourself-"

"You have GOT to be fricking kidding me if you think I'll calm down!" I snarled at one of the nurses, a look of terror spreading on his face.

"Alpha Arden-"

"Get them out of her!"

Just then the vehicle came to a stop and Hugo stepped Into the ambulance.

"Alpha. The bullets are centered in pretty much every vital organ that Luna needs to survive."
Hugo said slowly, a small sigh slipping from his lips as he rubbed his forehead. Clearly frustrated with the lean Alpha.

"W-What?.." even as an Alpha the words came out no more then a whimper. "You're lying!"

Hugo just shook his head sadly.

"You know I wouldn't lie about our precious Luna like that.." He murmured, keeping his head down.

I could hardly look at Hugo, pain etched its way on my face as they wheeled my little angel out of the ambulance and to the main hospital wing.


An hour passed, and then, right then they had finally allowed me in to see her. They had to perform surgery to get the silver bullets out, they said she was doing ok.

When I walked into the room, it shattered me. Her small frame was sprawled on this white bed, a cream colored blanket laid over her. The walls were this pale green, it was too pastel and blah for my liking, but I knew Nevaeh would tell me to shut up and stop critiquing a hospital for goddess's sake. A flicker of a smile splashed on my face at the thought of her scolding me again, and I let out a light chuckle. Then it faded just as fast as it came, and tears pricked my eyes.

I dashed to her and cradled her, not too tight of course, and I sobbed.

"Goddess I'm so sorry! I should've listened to you Vae! This never would've happened, I should've been the one to try and save you, I should've been shot. Not you! Goddess... I don't deserve you in the least bit.."

My breathing shuddered, sounding a lot like this dying engine. At least that's what Nevaeh would say.. Goddess I really must stop letting her in my head like that.. it'll only make it worse.

I planted a kiss on her left temple and slowly stood up. "I'll visit everyday my precious Luna."

With that, I turned and stalked out of her room, fiddling with the chain around my neck that held her initial. That precious N.


Several weeks passed, maybe even a month. I'm not quite sure.. all I knew was I was being torn in two and my beautiful Luna was in a coma. I know I'm not the only one feeling it, the only thing keeping Adia calm is Reef. But still.

It shattered me every day, because I found little things everywhere possible that reminded me of her. The necklace, something a random wolf said. I mean for goddess's sake! I cuddled with her favorite hoodie every night!

"Alpha. Are you there?"

I shook my head quickly and returned my attention to the She-wolf that stood in front of me, her fiery eyes staring at me in worry and concern.

Her name, was Melody. Her eyes looked as if they contained a forest fire, they were hazel with bright splotches of red. Her red hair cascaded down to her shoulders, and her lips seemed to always be in a frown. I wasn't interested in her in the least bit, but she was my top warrior.

Goddess she was a good fighter, I met her just a week after Nevaeh had been in a coma. She kept me strong, she had a mate who she adored dearly, which was Geostorm. Or Geo, for short. He is the lead warrior. His jet black hair and piercing grey eyes could freeze Medusa herself.

"I'm okay Mel, what were you saying?" I said softly, and a smile spread on her face. Her eyes filled with sympathy.

"It doesn't matter Arden. Go check on her."

The She-wolf gave me another grin before dashing out of my office, probably off to train the newbies.

I dashed towards the hospital wing, and what I saw next I wasn't expecting.


Nevaeh was sitting upright in the small twin mattress of a hospital bed, her head craned towards the window as she watched Melody train the newbies, she was shouting vicious orders that weren't clear through the walls.

"Hello Love."

Suddenly her eyes darted to mine, and a grin grew on her face, making her features seem to light up.


With no warning whatsoever, she leapt out of the bed and tackled me in a hug. Her head buried into the crook of my neck and I inhaled her scent. Her lips planted kisses along my neck, hungrily and I very slowly set her down.

"Baby, I missed you so very much." I whispered, stroking my thumb against her warm cheekbone.

"I know. I could hear you, when you came to me. You spoke about your day. How the pack was, then how sorry you were, how much you missed me. Then you'd kiss me on my temple or my cheek, and whisper a small I love you. Before leaving my room, sadness clouding in your aura."

I was stunned. She heard me?

"How come you never kissed my lips. The long weeks I was in a coma. Not once did you actually kiss me.."

I cupped her chin and looked deep into her eyes, which were watering.

"I wanted to babe. I really really did.. I held back though.. I didn't want to kiss you until you woke up, not until I could feel your lips moving against mine."

Her eyes suddenly lit up, lust in her eyes. Before I could react, she slammed her lips against mine. They worked aggressively, ravishingly my lips. I kissed back, just as lustful.

The rest of that day was filled with passion.

Heh sorry I didn't wanna write a heated scene so I hope this'll work. Sorry for the slight delay and I'll see you dudes in the next chapter!




Eat Nutella my dudes!

Buh bye my smol beans!

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