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Chapter 11

Nevaeh's POV

It was raining, like pouring. I was drenched. Did I care?


I jumped around, puddle to puddle, giggling like a lunatic. I loved the rain.

Arden just stared at me in awe and surprise. I probably looked like a child. I ignored him, flicking my hair back out of my face and grinning up towards the sky. My eyes closed as I let the raindrops fall on my face. This was like a cool shower, and honestly, it felt amazing.

Suddenly I could no longer see Arden. Panic flooded through me and my face contorted with concern. Where did he go?

My thoughts were crushed when a rough hand slapped over my mouth, causing me to shriek, sadly it was muffled. My hands folded over my attackers, gripping his wrists. A whimper escaped my mouth and I was immediately pushed to the ground. Mud got on my face and my whole body, including my mouth, which I spit out in disgust.

Fingers curled in my hair and forced me back up, and I bit my lip to keep from screaming.

"Don't. Say. Anything." A voice growled and I growled, my canines bursting through my gums.

I whirled around and snapped my jaws.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do." I snarled, bending his wrists in a way they popped and he screamed in pain, I whirled around, my eyes seemed to glow.

"The Onyx Luna.." He murmured, and returned his attention to me. In that moment I knew I messed up. I just gave this guy another reason to take me.

He put his hands on my shoulders and shoved me down to the ground, lying on my back, an evil smirk on his face. Tears gathered in my eyes as I flailed my legs around.

"Get off of me!" I shrieked, sobs racking themselves from my chest. I shuddered and shook. "Get off now!!"

"You'll be a good girl to take with me." He murmured, and my hands shot up on either side of his face and I cried harder, knowing what I was about to do.

I closed my eyes for a second, allowing every particle of energy I had to rush to my hands, letting them flow to my fingertips and I concentrated, my eyes snapping open again as I screamed from the excruciating pain, and I basically electrocuted the guy.

I have no clue how I did it

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I have no clue how I did it. He flung backwards and hit a tree. A loud crack sounded when he hit it, and I sat up with tears streaming down my face. When I turned my head, Arden stood there, a couple feet away from me, with a dozen roses in his hand and wide eyes.

He saw everything.

"Arden.. I-"

He ignored me and walked to the larger male, who was slumped over against the tree. Struggling to stay awake. His hands curled around his shirt and he lifted them up.

"Don't ever. Touch her. Again." He growled, his eyes darkening.

"There'll be more." The guy mumbled, before closing his eyes and literally disintegrating. My mouth gaped open. Arden looked just as surprised and he stepped back, his eyes landing on mine and he began to walk towards me slowly. He was nervous.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered, looking down at my singed fingertips, my mouth hurt, my eyes hurt. My hair had completely changed color.

(That's not Vae, she just has the blue hair)

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(That's not Vae, she just has the blue hair)

Before I could say anything else, Arden picked me up bridal style and kissed my forehead.

"Are you okay though?" He asked gently, checking my hands and face for any injury.

"I'm okay.. it hurt yes, but the main damage it did was my hair." I whispered, running a hand through my pastel hair.

"It's kinda strange having blue hair."

"You could probably dye it."

I chuckled and looked up at my mate.

"I probably could."

He shot me a grin, kissing my nose lightly before turning and beginning to carry me home. As he did I studied my surroundings, it was quite weird.

It seemed as if my senses had somehow advanced.

And they were already pretty good!

"Hey, can you look at me?" Arden asked and I turned my head to look at him. He was studying my eyes.

"That's peculiar.. they change color ever so often.." he mumbles, mainly to himself.

"They what?"

"Your eyes. They randomly change color ever so often when you blink, I mean they go back to normal after some time. But when your emotions are peaked, they change."

I halfway nodded, taking in this information. He continued studying me.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. I just nodded, shooting him an encouraging smile.

"Yes I'm okay."

"Good." He smirked and began to sprint towards our destination. With a shriek I balled his shirt in my fists.

"Slow down you idget!" I screeched, my knuckles turning white as my laughter picked up.

The faster he went, the more he seemed to ignore me. It started to make me upset. Goddess.. men these days.

"Arden! Put. Me. Down!"

"Oh shush, you're fine Vae."

I shot him a glare.

He's acting bipolar I swear.

"I can walk Ar. I suggest you put me down now."

I got a grunt in reply, and he just kept carrying me. I let go of his shirt and balled my fists, lightly pounding them on his chest.

"I want to walk on my own! I'm not disabled!" I said loudly, my eyes changing colors. Arden merely glanced at me, before shaking his head and continuing to walk down the path.

The whole way home I pounded on his chest, wriggled around in his arms, I pouted, I screeched, I even flailed around. I desperately tried everything to get out of his arms. Each movement I made, his response was just to tighten his arms around me.

So yes. You can say, that my mood dipped and I became crabby. All because my mate is a freaking idget.

Hello! I hope you guys are liking my edited version much better, this time the chapters are slightly longer and it flows better. That and this time Adia is included into the story! Yay!




Buh bye lovelies!

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