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Chapter 20

Nevaeh's POV

I slipped outside, my mind was racing. My pace quickened as I sprinted down the gravel path, the wind whipping my hair around.

Goddess how I missed this.

But it all ended quickly when I was thrown to the ground, an unpleasant smell filled the air. It almost made me gag. What could be so putrid?

"I finally have you." A low, husky voice whispered into my ear. Hands gripped my waist roughly and I was lifted up.

A vampire.

His red eyes bore into mine, and I growled at him.

"Let me go you jerk!" I clawed at him, But I seemed to do no harm to the godly creature.

"You are mine now, you will bear my children and they will be special, they will be powerful." He purred into my ear, slowly putting pressure on my neck.

I gasped, desperate to get a bit of air. He was going to kill me!

"Not kill my dear, just seriously injure."

And with that he suddenly sank his teeth into my neck, on top of my mark from Arden. I screeched at the burning pain that started in the bite, then spread through my entire body.

He was changing me!!

I wiggled and squirmed, desperate to get out of his grasp. It was no use, my body became limp and soon the venom was circulating through my veins, and I stood up.

"My Vampire Goddess." He murmured, kissing my hand. Suddenly, Arden was pushed into view.

"To complete the process my queen, you must drink his blood." The red eyed man purred.

I felt strong, immortal. Nothing could take me down if I just had a taste.

No no no! What the heck was I thinking?! This is my mate I cannot kill him!

But think of the power. Plus the vampire king could treat me better. Arden never loved me anyways.

And with that I sank my teeth into Arden, sipping the blood. It tasted horrible! I leapt backwards and sputtered, wiping my mouth. Right then it hit me, I killed my mate.

"What did you make me do!?" I screamed at the Vampire, my eyes were blood red. It was complete.

"Oh my love. I didn't make you do anything. This was all you. You're a monster." He whispered, a devilish smirk on his face.

Arden sat up, staring at me. Blood ran down his neck, he was pale.

"How could I ever love a monster?"


I sat up screaming, I was being shaken.

"Nevaeh, Nevaeh . Please wake up! What's wrong what happened?"

Tears gathering in my eyes and I sat upright. My heart was pounding, my breathing was erratic. I was shaking.

"N-Nightmare." I stuttered, my voice cracking.

"What happened in it? Talk to me baby."

So I did, I sat there and explained the whole thing in detail to Arden.

"It was just a nightmare my love. Nothing happened it's okay, I'm right here."

"No no no! You don't understand! You'll never understand!!" I shrieked, rolling out of bed running and down the stairs.

He didn't understand, I am a monster. I have these wings, I can kill anyone without an effort. How can he love me?

I heard footsteps, and Arden chased after me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me to him.

"You aren't a monster Nevaeh Renae Grace!" He sounded desperate. His voice was wavering.
"You are special, you are My Luna. I love you so much, just because you have wings and happen to be a prophecy doesn't make you a monster."

"But it does! How can anyone love me? Especially when I'm this!" I shouted, gesturing up and down my body. I pushed Arden back and stripped off my shirt.

"Look at my scars Arden!"

I turned around and showed him my shoulder blade scar, the scar on my chest from the iron pin. I showed him my new scars on my hips and stomach, the long jagged ones of my thighs.

"Look at me Arden! I'm a monster! I have battle scars covering my body! I'm Broken! I'm the Broken Luna.." My voice cracked and I stopped talking, collapsing onto the ground. Sobs racked my body and I let out a pained scream.

"Just reject me Arden!"

That snapped him, he let out a loud growl and shouted "NO!" In an angry voice. His scooped me up in his arms and marched back upstairs, placing me on the bed and crawling ontop of me.

"I would NEVER reject you Nevaeh! I can't! I love you far too much! Your body is beautiful it makes you who you are!" He shouted, angry.

Then the anger disappeared, and he began to cry. He nuzzled his face into my neck and wept, his built body shuddered with each inhale.

For once in my life I wasn't the one crying, Arden was. I had to be strong for him.

"Please please never say that again love." He cried, a sob echoed through the room and it shattered my heart. "Promise me you won't!"

"I-I promise Arden.." I whimpered. My small arms folding around his built frame. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry."

He sat up, wiping his eyes and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"It's okay, But just promise me you won't say that again. If you died, I'd kill myself Babygirl."


Addison's POV

My sister, Nevaeh, she was bringing me to see the guy that Arden put in the hospital. Of course I couldn't blame him, he hurt my big sister. She's not easily hurt. A growl slipped from my mouth at the thought of the male. She said he was just a year or so older then me, me being now 13 since she was taken for a bit. She missed my birthday.

When we stepped into the doctors this putrid chemical smell hit my nose and I gagged. My sister chuckled at me and walked to the front desk.

"Reef Hale please."

The nurse smiled at Nevaeh.

"Of course Luna, Room 313."

Vae smiled and nodded at the nurse, before grabbing my hand and leading me down a long hallway. When we stopped in front of the door that read Room 313, she looked at me.

"You ready Adi?"

I slowly nodded at her and she peaked the door open, in which I was immediately hit with this strong sweet smell. It was mouth watering; pine and the smell of rain.

I closed my eyes and inhaled, almost forgetting how to walk. My sister gripped my arm and helped me forward to the bed, a knowing smile on her face. She led me to the bedside and I opened my eyes to look at the male laying on the bed, he was gorgeous. Goddess I was so lucky.

"Adi, meet your mate. Reef."

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