Words Won't Be Spoken

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Chapter 26

Nevaeh's POV

It's been a month. One long month that I haven't spoken, not a peep from my mouth. Arden was getting depressed, Tristen begged for me to talk. Alaina began to ignore me, whenever she saw me she got a pained expression. Connor couldn't get me to speak either.

To make it worse, I ate less and less. Tristen would beg me to eat more, but I just wouldn't. I was never hungry, and when I was, a few bites later the feeling was gone.

I knew it was wrong, that it was hurting my body. I couldn't stop it. I really wanted to get better, but something wouldn't let me.

"Hi babygirl.." Arden said from behind me, his voice soft and pleading. I turned around, a small smile on my face.

What he really wanted were words to come dancing out of my mouth. His name to roll off my tongue. It wasn't going to happen.

So instead he cleared his throat. "You hungry babe?"

I shook my head, a sad smile on my face. I knew he wanted me to eat. I just couldn't.

"Let's go on a walk." He whispered, gingerly taking my hand in his. Slowly he led me down this gravel path, to the waterfall.

I pulled away, tears in my eyes as I stared at the enchanted place, yes it was stunning. But it held awful memories.

"Babe, please." Arden whimpered and I looked over at him, a stray tear rolling down my face. "Talk to me... tell me what happened baby." He whined, holding my hands again. I could only shake my head. Slowly he pulled me forward, his hand entangling itself in my hair as he buried my head into his neck.

"I know it's hard but you are going to need to speak at one point baby... I hate not hearing your voice babe.." his voice wavered. I violently shook my head.

I couldn't I wouldn't I can't. It physically hurt to speak! I've tried to, nothing more then a squeak came out, even that small sound tore my throat.

"Baby please!!" He cried, tears now flowing freely down his face. I kept violently shaking my head.

I couldn't.


I'm not exactly sure what happened.. all I know was my head hurt and then my vision went black.

When I woke up, I had chains around my neck and arms, my ankles. I was a slave.

"Morning prophecy." A female said, and I snapped my head up wide eyed.

"Sucks that you're mute. Otherwise you'd answer me." She cooed, pinching my cheeks. My response?

I literally spat on her, directly on her face. My saliva landing in her eyes and mouth. She screeched and furiously wiped her face, making gagging sounds.

"You little mutt!" She snarled, smacking me across my face. I don't didn't even flinch. I felt zero pain.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Your little boyfriend is going to be sacrificed today. Too bad you can't defend him huh."

I growled at her in response.

Our mate! All because you choose to be mute! Akira howled. Her eyes red. Athena howled in agreement.

This was gonna suck.


Arden's POV

They had a metal chain hooked Around my neck, down to my wrists, then my ankles. My mouth was taped shut.

They had just forced me onto a platform, choking me in the process.
I scanned the crowd desperately, Nevaeh was standing in the front row, her eyes watching me desperately.

Mate! Solar shouted, desperately wanting her. I held him back, he would get us killed!

"Good evening my dear rogue family! Today we are going to kill this lovely alpha. Alpha Arden, of The Dark Moon Pack. Ain't he a looker? Oh look, we have his Luna too!" The man cackled, pointing a finger at my love. She growled in response.

Goddess he's lucky she's mute. She would have some colorful words to say to him.

"Not only is she his Luna, but she is also the Onyx Luna. The prophecy! And we have her. She'll make a great mate for me."

I snapped, my eyes turning black and I struggled to contain Solar. He broke the tape, snapping my jaws towards the ringleader.

Bad decision. A gun was held to my head.

"Stop!!!!" A seemingly familiar voice screamed, and we all looked towards the person it cane from.

It was my mate. Nevaeh. Her hand was firmly on her throat and she looked to be in pain from speaking. Well.. screaming.
"Don't touch him." She snarled, her eyes turning red. Athena took over.

The chains on the lean wolf snapped, and Athena flew to me. Until she dropped to the ground, right after this ear piercing bang shot through the air.

"I got her!" A female shouted, racing towards my mates now still form. She was still in wolf form. Athena was shot. She was shot.

Our mate was shot! Solar roared, taking over as the chains snapped under the sudden pressure.

Solar raced to Athena, mauling the female who shot her in the process.

Yup that bitch was definitely dead. Her head was gone. Good job Solar! Wooohooo!

My attention went back to Nevaeh, and I shifted back to human, going to pull out the bullet. Only to find it burning my flesh.

The bullet was made out of Silver.

And she had at least 2 in her.

Ahh cliff hanger Ik how dare I!? I
Hope you guys liked This chapter, apologies it was rushed slightly. Buh bye my smol beans!




Eat Nutella

~The Galaxy Author

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