Chapter-1 (i) Heaven

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Cool water rippling around the fallen twigs of the willow. The kingfisher alighted on the tree with it's gleaming plumage resplendent.

A flaunting perfect ombre of blue. It what must be the light of summer, through early in the morning.

Inquisitive eyes searching for sun only to meet the lapis sky but it would not be there and still there would be light. Odd.

Soft sky above, sharp stones underfoot and the clouds caressed with reflected light.

Heart beats with the symphony of lacy waves and air blowing the tension right from the bones while the birds arc above and the masters of the salty updrafts.

The ocean shore is a gateway, a place where the aquatic and terrestrial worlds collide.

With gravity less aura you would feel furless skin and would wonder "I could have belonged beneath the brine, had evolution taken a different fork!"

Looking around seems like the cool waters peeking at the dry world above, curious as to what lay on the land.

But your lungs are of a land dweller and your limbs cannot swim all day long. So it is for you to see the orange sun kissed sky with eyes better suited for life underwater, to see the rusty hues reflected in the blackening waves, while you yearn to explore the dominion of your aquatic cousins.

It would be wide as blue sky, soft as cotton, white as snow, cold as ice. Still felt like the tranquilizing warmth erupting from sun was what heaven may feel or look like.

No sun but still light. Every facet was as good as a mirror and a different hue of blue illuminating the beautiful abode.

The lady with kohl-black hair falling on her shoulder, that were flowing like a horde of pythons crawling down on her back, she was seated in a bony white rocking chair, body covered in a cottony soft but ivory beautiful gown with quarter lacy sleeves.

A little boy with chocolate brown curls, jade green eyes and dimples appearing when he would smile, with thirty two teeth on full display, kind of similar features in accordance with the lady sat comfortably on her legs.

His own legs folded in a yoga position making a small lap on which a big brown book was settled. His small lap couldn't even hold the half of the book as his hands continuously trying to adjust it.

The lady would just put one hand to support it and the whole book would be still in his lap like it had been placed in his lap for ages. Her other hand on his back moving up and down and occasionally would ruffle his curls.

Greens little doe like eyes looked up with hundreds of emotions in them running wildly anger, calmness, love, hate, confused, intrigued, excited, sad and upset all at same time flashing like a movie flashback.

His snow soft fingers running on the very last page of the book. Book being as magical as the heaven itself. Right side was filled with words. Italics cursive beautifully carved in it. On left was real image moving a young man looking out of a window, while a plane was going behind the clouds higher in sky.

The lady has just finished reading the story to the young boy.

The little boy turned abruptly to her and same infinite emotions are flowing through his eyes, she could she it clearly, so clearly. He spoke with same curiousness that his eyes held "Mom will they meet?"

"If they are meant to then they will." his mother replied calmly. Her level of calmness was no where less than his level of curiousness. There emotions equally repulsive to each other at the moment. 

"Mom do you think they love each other?" he asked. Her mother looked quite unsure and was wondering how to answer him such a question.

"Well humans have always been known for their infamous changing nature. After all human nature lasts for novelty." she replied looking down at him. 

"But they do I can see it." he spoke defending 'they'. 

The lady was astonished at her little boy's reply as it was not for a child of his age to know the real meaning of love or at least the love that two humans share that is different from the love brother and sister share, mother and son share, father and daughter share.

"How do you know they do love each other? You are too little to understand that." the lady spoke her thoughts aloud.

"Cause I feel the same when I'm with Layla and love doesn't come by age it just happens mom." her son spoke with red cheeks and shyness clear in his voice.

The lady was shocked again but this time pride and joy was present in her beautiful green eyes.

"Well little boy I went away for some years and you became so mature not fair I want my baby boy back." his mother pouted like his son does at times and tried to make him feel normal instead of teasing her already embarrassed boy.

"Hahaha, Mom you look so cute, just like Layla she also makes that face when I don't bring her chocolates." he said laughing at her mother's childishness.

"Don't make fun of your mother or your love or else I will tell your girl." his mother teased him and in an instant he hugged her tightly to hide his tomato red cheeks and muffled a 'No' with a shake in the crook of her neck.

She laughed loudly so loudly that whole heaven would have listened the laugh and happiness she was having by spending time with her son.

After her laughter died and her son's shyness. He detached himself from her and asked the question coming back on their story "Why don't they talk Mom? You always say by talking everything can be sorted."

He asked with annoyed look etching on his beautiful little face. "Well I'm no God I can't tell!" his mother spoke with a defending voice as if it was her fault that 'they' don't talk.

"Yeah you are right." he spoke looking down with a sad face, it was clear from his face that he was completely upset with the story.

Suddenly he looked up with wide eyes and almost shouted excitedly "Mom can I please meet Guardian Parents? I want to meet them and tell them you read the story to me I didn't like the end of the story AT ALL."

"But Sue would-" his mother could not even finish as he interrupted her.

"Mom please!!" He asked with a pleading look in his eyes.

"But Harry-"

"Mom pleassseee!" up till now his hands were folded infront of him as if he was begging her and she finally gave up. How can she not allow her own son's wish?


"Yeahhh!" he cheerily jumped off her legs running ahead while his mother walked slowly behind him laughing at her son's childishness.

Hola!! Everyone so after this long I've finally completed this prologue and sorry for being this late. And yes the update from now on will be very slow cause my exams are coming nearer so yeah sorry for that hope all of you will understand that. Well gotta go, need to study hard so that I get my dream college. Bye my lovelies have fun reading it. I know this PROLOGUE is gonna be hell lot of confusing but that's what I want lol;-) sorry. Have Good day my beautiful readers an keep smiling.  -with love S.V.❤❤

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