Chapter 1

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I hear a muffled voice, and feel someone kicking me in my ribs.

I finally come to my senses, undescribable pain comes along with it. "WAKE THE FUCK UP" a booming voice screams at me. I slowly look up to see a buff man probably only a few inches taller than me. I'm 5'5 by the way.

I try to scream back at him, asking who the fuck he think he was yelling at. But to my demise there was a sock in my mouth.......Ok now I know these motherfuckers lyin. Cause there ain't no way they thought they could put a dusty ass sock in my mouth. First of all I don't know where the fuck this has been, don't know who touched this, and I-

I was cut off by another kick most likely from the man above me. "Get yo ass up", I stare at him for a good 6.5 seconds and concluded that this man is not very bright in the head. How the fuck does he expect me to stand up when he tied all my limbs together and shit. I'm guessing he caught on to this small detail, pfftt if you were gonna be kidnapping someone at least do it right. He then tugged my lifeless body out of his van I was quickly surrounded by complete darkness and could see a tall building in the distance. Don't get me wrong I know my way around this fairly large town, but this was some shady type shit that I wouldn't want to get into, but it seems like I'm far passed that point.

The man just drags me to the building and I try to figure out how to get out of his grip but he must've drugged me or something because I wasn't able to do jack shit the whole time.

Once we got to the shady ass building I mentioned before he immediately directed us to the back of the building. Wow as if this whole situation couldn't get any shadier.


AYYOO Peeps well how u liked Dem apples, this is mah first story on Wattpad so im feeling really self conscious rite now so comment how u feel bout this, I'll gladly take any constructional feedback as needed thx


P.S the picture in media is our lovely little Mathias, or u can picture him however u like, it's whatevez

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