Chapter 25

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"Good" he grins, he then picks me up and plops me back into his lap.

" the punishment not over yet?" I ask, not that I would be complaining...

"Oh sweetheart, of course it is" he proceeds to move by hair out the way before kissing my forehead.

"That seems to be your signature move huh?" I snicker, remembering the time on the way back to the house. He looks at me with a seemingly blank stare before I raise my eyebrow in acknowledgment.

"Oh so you were awake?"

"Would you have preferred for me to not be?" I ask with fake sass as I wrap my arms around is shoulders. He chuckles and places his hands on my hips...sly dog

"It's kinda messed up but yea...kinda" he says as looks straight into my eyes, but I can tell that he's not really looking at me as mixed emotions decide to take their stay there once again. I sigh.

"You do know that one day, you're going to have to tell me what's really going on here" I predicate. I know the whole sex slave thing was absolute bullshit. In all the time I've been here, I can tell that Damien isn't like one of the people praying on me at that vile ass auction.

He looks down for a split second, and in that time, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, I realize that this is the first time I've actually really looked at someone and felt like I could understand. I just need to let him open up to me. He's another human being with a past and a conscience, surely there is a reason why he acts the way he does- before I could finish my thought he looks back up to my eye level.

"I know..." he says with bitter smile.

"Good, but until then you can keep on bribing me with ice cream, pancakes, hamburgers, etcetera" I say with the widest smile I could hold. It made him blow air out of his nose, and if you ask me it was all the confirmation I needed.

"Ok little one" he sighs, "it's time for bed"

"Alreadyyy~" I pout

"Yep, you got a big day ahead of you tomorrow"

"You don't mean...."

"Yep" he replied popping the 'p' with another grin

I tried to put up the biggest puppy eyes I could muster, but he only raised an eyebrow. So I took it back down in a huff.

"You know you really do throw a hard bargain cupcake, but education is important" he smiles.

"Ok, fine, but I won't live this down"

"Fine by me" he says, before rising up and placing me back down, and I've got to say...I kinda didn't want him to do that....kinda. "Come on now, I'll walk you to your room"

The walk over to my room was a quiet one, but the good kind. For the time being there was nothing left to be said, and considering the situation, that's a win in my book. I walked through my room door, before abruptly turning back around, grabbing Damien by his wrist and pulling him down to accommodate to my smaller stature. Well only just enough to place a kiss on his cheek that is...

"Goodnight Daddy~" I smile before closing the door, in front of his speechless handsome face.

Call me a drama queen, but if there's anything I know in life it's that a good day always ends with a kiss.


Yall better be staying healthy by washing your hands and staying inside😡💗

Yall better be staying healthy by washing your hands and staying inside😡💗

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