Chapter 6

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He lead me outside to an all black mini van, opened up the back seat door for me. And yes my hands are still tied behind my fucking back, thanks for asking. "Sooooo, what's your name Mr. Guy in all black?....."

After a couple minutes of silence I am forced to answer my own question. This service is definitely getting a 2 star rating on yelp, this no way to treat it's costumers hmph. "Welp you're certainly not a talker so I'll just call you 'Charles' how's that sound?"


"Glad we came to an understanding Charles" We ride in what what I would like to call 'comfortable silence' but I don't think it made the cut. Meh we'll get em next time.

Then we pulled up to a giant fucking mansion. And my first thought was - and I quote- "HOLY FUKIN SHIT". It was one of those mansions that you fantasize about walking through in a victorian dress while reminiscing about all your past marriages and  sipping on a pipping hot glass of earl grey tea...oh come on don't act like you haven't...At least I have...

The guy, of course looked back at me like I'm crazy. I can't really blame him after all that happened today, even I'm starting to question my mental stability.

He pulls me out of the car and walks me to the front doors of the mansion. There was a huge fukin pool right in front of it, which I don't really know whether it's for swimming or just decoration. Once we enter my jaw automatically drops as I stare in awe. After not taking off my shoes like the rude ass person I am, I wandered through the place, taking quick glances at all the rooms on the first floor.

Then I get to this BIG ASS marble staircase and tip toe up it, while giggling like a kid who just stole an ice cream cone.

If you're wondering as to why I'm acting like this just think about it....If I'm gonna have to stay here I gotta at least make the best out of it. Plus, I'm not a fucking idiot, I'll figure out an escape plan later for sure. Just give me some time aight.

As soon as I get up the stairs, followed by Charles, I decide to give myself a tour of the second floor. Aka: barging into every room I see not giving a single shit that this isn't my house. Well if it isn't my house why the fuck am I here?


It's settled then. I approached the last door in the hall and was about to barge in when it flung open and there stood a Sex God in all his glory. But he didn't look very happy....


BROOOOO I haven't posted in foreevveerrrrrr. I started coming up with ideas for another story and things kinda got outta hand sry but I promise I'll be posting waaayy more, just u wait!!

-luv Tutu😘

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