Chapter 18

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As soon as we walked into the building, all you could see was designer brands literally everywhere.

"Why take me here of all places, you do realize that all of these stores sell clothes that cost a fortune."

"Yep I sure do, only the best for you baby boy" He says showing off his pearly whites

"Why would you say something like that, you barely even know me"  I stated, looking right into his eyes and for a second I could've sworn I saw a mixture of anger and sadness flash through him. But once again I look right passed it, I don't know him and he doesn't know me, but for some reason I can't shake off this feeling that we've met before. Which is literally impossible... how would this sexy ass billionaire know an abandoned reject like me, it's just...impossible

Damian's POV

Its been two days since I've reunited with the boy with stars in his eyes and the hope of a better future on his mind. Thinking of him is the only way I've been able to come this far, and now after all these years he's right in front of me and I have no idea what to say. The only thing I can do is give him everything he could ever possibly want. He doesn't know quite yea but he already has me wrapped around his tiny little pinky finger, and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

"come on let's go into here first" I say pointing over to the Versace Outlet to the left of us. And as soon as we step foot into the store, Mathias' cute little jaw hung open in amusement at the luxury clothing in front of us. "What did I tell you about that" I  whisper into his ear. And in return he shivers with arousement, his ears turning an adorable pink before shutting his mouth in obedience. I smirk, happy with his submission "Good boy" I praised, as he turns as red as a tomato but tries to hide it anyways. Damn he's so fucking cute.

"Ooooooooh" I look over to find Mathias looking at a pair of all red Cross Chainers before I'm able to walk over to him one of the employees confront him.

"Someone of your kind shouldn't be here, I don't need you coming here stealing things your entire life savings couldn't pay for" She says before making a shoo-ing motion at him like he was a pesky fly. Just watching this made my blood boil, is this how people treated him all this time? But I was even angrier at myself, I was supposed to be there for him, if only I'd never-


OH SHIT he just bitch slapped the shit outta the employee. Damn my baby boy got some spunk in him huh? I honestly should have expected that. I tried my best to keep in my snickers while walking over to the both of them.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Disrepectful ass bitches like you have absolutely no mothafucking manners. And for your information I'm here with him" He rushes over to me and clings on to my arm. "right Daddy?" he says in a sweet voice, looking at me with soft puppy eyes I may have looked unphased but on the inside a fire was lit in me that I never knew was there before. Im going to have to have a little 'talk' with him later about this but nonetheless, I continue.

"It would be a shame if a certain someone were to lose their only source of income." I inquire then look down to the cutie by my side. "Wouldn't it cupcake?"

"A real shame it would be Daddy" He answers with a finger to his chin and frantically nodding his head.

"I sincerely apologize Mr. Morello I didn't realize he was accompanying you, I promise to never make such a mistake again." They bowed their head in shame.

"Regardless of whether or not he's with me, you shouldn't be talking to a customer like that. I should be reporting this incident to your boss, who happens to be a very good friend of mine, but it seems like you were already repented for your actions." I chuckle, eyeing the red hand mark planted on their left cheek then looking down at the boy clinging to my arm, and sticking out his tongue towards the worker. "Anyway I would like to purchase those sneakers if you may."

"Right this way sir" the annoyed emoployee responded.

"You're really gonna buy them for me" My baby boy asked excitement apparent in his voice.

"Of course, I wouldn't bring you into the store and not buy you anything" I smirked, and looked down to find a pair of watering eyes staring back at me, but quickly looked away as soon as he saw me looking back. Shit

"wow... thank you, no one has ever done that for me before." He whispered, and yet another wave of guilt came over me. "But please, let this be the only thing we get from here, I don't want you wasting all your money on...." He pauses looks away, then whispers. "Someone like me."

"Mathias, look at me" I order, with absolutely no room for disobedience in my tone. And he follows, as expected."Do not ever speak about your self in such a way. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir" he replies, but before he snaps his head back towards the display of clothing, I catch a glimpse of tears threatening to fall from his chocolate brown eyes. Fuck that, that piece of shit is definitely losing her job today.

"But...but after you finish buying the shoes we have to go into a different store. The clothes here are wayyy too expensive." He says, perking back up to his usual demeanor, although hesitantly.

"Deal, but we're still going on a shopping spree, whether you like it or not" I agreed, placing a small kiss on his forehead, resulting in yet another tomato faced Mathias. I mean what can I say, I just couldn't help myself. After I finished up paying for the shoes, we headed back out into the mall.


After a few hours we were finally done shopping and I could tell my baby boy was hungry by his grumbling stomach no matter how hard he tried to hide it. "Wanna go over to the food court and get a bite to eat"

"Yesssssss pllleeaaassseeeee" He whined, I guess his willpower finally snapped. I chuckled once again. We began to walk towards the food court, and the first thing he saw was a ice cream shop. I looked over to him and immediantly knew what he wanted, as it wasn't that hard based on the puppy eyes he was sporting along with a wide grin. "remember when you promised me ice cream?" He asks, batting his lashes. Oh boy...

"Nope, I said food not desert" I said sternly, which only made him pout even more.

"But u promiiissseedddd" 

"I know what I said and that's final"  I stated, but instead he crossed his arms and started stomping off in the opposite direction. "You can't just throw a tantrum Mathias!"

He turned back around dramatically," Watch me." he argued and continued to walk off to wherever he planned on going.

I rolled my eyes, with a smile and jogged up to him. I'm going to have to be firmer with him in the future, but I guess just this once wouldn't hurt.

"Fine, we can get ice cream but no more sweets for the rest of the day" I said giving in to his request

"Eyyyeeeee, thanks Daddy" he cheered, going back to his usual gleeful self as if nothing had happened. Oh god I swear this boy is gonna be the death of me.


Im so so so so so so so so so so so very sory for not updating, my school has been dumping homework on me like there's no tommorow, can y'all find it in ur hearts to forgive me

            Tutu <3

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